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我得请示我的主管。I’ll check my supervisor.

基蒂也是一名监督员。Kitty was a supervisor too.

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你是学者,又是督导。You’re a scholar and a supervisor.

我的主管是一个没骨气的人。My supervisor is a spineless person.

监工就叫来了约翰·亨利。The supervisor called to John Henry.

如果你愿意的话,我可以监督你。I can be your supervisor if you want.

酒水的消耗向主管报告。MNB consumption reports to supervisor.

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若有疑问,应向指导工询问。Ask your supervisor if you have doubts.

我能与人事主管谈谈吗?May I talk to the personnel supervisor?

接着舍监便开始示范。Then supervisor begins to set an example.

我是所谓的剪辑指导。I am something called continuity supervisor.

你已经得到主管人的批准吗?Have you had it approved with your supervisor?

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我的上司获有药剂学博士学位。My supervisor has a Doctor of Pharmacy degree.

汤姆另眼相看他的上司。Tom is regarded with favour by his supervisor.

保质保量的完成主管分配的其它任务。Finish other tasks which assigned by supervisor.

这位督管员有很多管理方法。The supervisor had a number of management tools.

一问之下方知是主管请来的新人。Under the way know the new supervisor is, please.

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一名主管奖饰这位员工的事情做患上不错。B supervisor praised the employee for her good work.

托恩在这些音乐剧中担任音乐总监。She served as their Musical Supervisor and Director.

海监去也好,飞机去也好,都是一条线的。Supervisor to the sea or aircraft to, or are a line.