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溃疡使十二指肠壁穿孔。An ulcer perforates the duodenal wall.

有症状的十二指肠憩室炎罕见。Symptomatic duodenal diverticulitis is rare.

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十二指肠损伤的特点及其诊断和治疗。Diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic and duodenal injury.

目的提高十二指肠球部溃疡的诊断率。Objective To improve the diagnostic rate of duodenal bulbar ulcer.

有人曾建议从十二指肠球部取活检同样有效。It has been suggested that duodenal bulb biopsies may also be useful.

举一个例子,直到1980年,十二指肠溃疡的治疗都是通过手术方式。Until the 1980s, for example, duodenal ulcers were treated by surgery.

十二指肠壁内血肿合并致命性胰脏炎是相当罕见的。Fatal pancreatitis secondary to intramural duodenal hematoma is very rare.

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如果发烧、胃或十二指肠溃疡以及肉桂过敏者不得服用本品。Do not take if you have a fever, stomach or duodenal ulcers, or are allergic to cinnamon.

十二指肠入侵是胰腺癌患者早期自膨式金属支架功能障碍的危险因素之一。Duodenal invasion is a risk factor for early SEMS dysfunction in patients with pancreatic cancer.

结论盐酸小檗碱生物黏附包衣片具有一定的十二指肠靶向。CONCLUSION Berberine chloride coated-bioadhesive tablets shows a good duodenal targeting property.

目的研究防止十二指肠后壁穿透溃疡大出血急诊手术后再出血。Objective To avoid that blood flows out of the duodenal back ulcer again after emergent operation.

空腔脏器损伤3例,其中十二指肠损伤2例、膀胱破裂1例。In 3 cases of cavitation organ traumas 2 cases were duodenal injury and 1 case was bladder rupture.

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目的总结壁细胞迷走神经切断术治疗十二指肠溃疡及其并发症的疗效。Objective To conclude the effect of parietal cell vagotomy for duodenal ulcer and its complications.

第15周时,可见十二指肠中的肠腺延伸入粘膜下层形成粘液性细胞组成的十二指肠腺。At 15th week, intestinal gland in duodenum extend into submucosa to form mucous cell's duodenal gland.

结论十二指肠镜和气钡双重造影是诊断PTD的主要检查方法。Conclusion Duodenal endoscope and air barium double radiography are mainstays for the diagnosis of PTD.

目的观察雷尼替丁枸橼酸铋联用克拉霉素治疗治疗十二指肠溃疡的疗效。Objective to ranitidine bismuth citrate, clarithromycin curative effect of treating the duodenal ulcer.

第三个病例,梗阻由于十二指肠狭窄,是个部分环状胰腺。In the third, the obstruction was due to duodenal stenosis, and there was an incomplete annular pancreas.

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十二脂肠脂肪瘤是一种罕见的胃肠道肿瘤,而位于十二指肠球部者尤为罕见。Duodenal lipoma , especially when it is located at bulb, is an uncommon tumor of the gastrointestinal tract.

方法回顾性分析16例经病理证实的十二指肠癌的CT和HD表现。Methods The CT and HD signs of 16 duodenal adenocarcinomas proved histologically were evaluated retrospectively.

目的进一步提高闭合性十二指肠损伤的早期诊断及其相应手术方式的选择。Objective The goal of study was to faciliate the early diagnosis of closed duodenal injuries and select properly.