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我皮肤皲裂。I have chapped skin.

我的手皲了。My hands are chapped.

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寒冷的天气冻裂了他的双手。Cold weather chapped his hands.

他的手冻裂了。His hands are chapped by the cold.

他的嘴唇全都皲裂了,变得很粗糙。His lips were all chapped and rough.

那手看上去粗糙干瘪。The hand looked chapped and wizened.

我的皮肤在冷天里很快就皲裂了。My skin soon chapped in cold weather.

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有没有擦皮肤干裂的药?Do you have anything for chapped skin?

您有擦嘴唇皲裂的东西吗?Have you got something for chapped lips?

双唇因顶风而皲裂了。The headwind chapped the cyclist's lips.

那个女孩的手因寒冷而冻裂。The girl's hands were chapped by the cold.

用于皮肤真菌疾病以及手足癣。Fungal skin disease, hand and foot chapped.

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想一想你在干裂的皮肤上涂抹药膏的情形。Think of the creams you put on chapped skin.

孩子的手皴了。The child's hands were chapped from the cold.

要是你用那样的肥皂,你的手就会粗糙。You'll chapped your hands if you use that soap.

那手看上去粗糙干瘪,不像是个男孩的手。The hand looked chapped and wizened, not a boy's.

想知道为什么你的嘴唇在冬天会皴裂吗?Ever wonder why your lips get chapped in the winter?

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它的果酸配方能够去除干皮死皮。The AHA formula exfoliates away dry, chapped layers.

我的嘴唇被撕破我以为是长期使用筷子。I had chapped lips and I thought I was using chapstick.

这个产品适用于干燥、干裂的手和脚。This product is perfect for dry, chapped hands and feet.