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仪器上一尘不染。The apparatus is spotlessly clean.

高尔基体的作用是什么?WHAT is a Golgi apparatus used for?

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呼吸器不能工作。Breathings apparatus not operational.

这只鸟有特殊的发音器官。The bird has specialized vocal apparatus.

这种装置产生有害的辐射线。This apparatus produces harmful radiations.

钦镍记忆合金丝加工成S形牵张装置。TiNi-SMA was processed to S shape apparatus.

可以利用如图3.16所示的装置来实现这一点。We may do this with the apparatus in Fig. 3.16.

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体育馆里有各种体育器材。There are different sports apparatus in the gym.

揉面器揉制大量面料的。An apparatus for kneading large amounts of dough.

层层机构都是为了确保薪资的公平。The apparatus is there to ensure fairness in pay.

当然,整个设备必须抽成真空。The entire apparatus must, of course, be evacuated.

这种仪器排除了微地震的影响。This apparatus eliminates the effects of microseisms.

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示范者安装好了实验装置。The demonstrators set up apparatus for the experiment.

他们把这个装置的体积缩小了三分之二。They reduced the size of the apparatus by two- thirds.

VCO电路,PLL电路,和数据记录装置。VCO circuit, PLL circuit, and data recording apparatus.

木材加工线的供热装置。Disclosed is a heating apparatus of a wood working line.

有两箱仪器内货格格响。There are two cases of apparatus with contents rattling.

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车船用配线器材“,”Electrical Device & Apparatus for Vehicle and Marine Use.

掌握球旁器及其作用。To master the juxtaglomerular apparatus and its function.

本仪器采用长光程透射法。The apparatus adopt method of long light path transmission.