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应是绿肥红瘦.The red should languish and the green must grow?

你炼就了我的铁石心肠,不会在月圆的夜苦苦期盼。You had my heart of stone, not in the full moon night languish.

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新开工住房面积始终徘徊在往年正常水平的1/3左右。Housing starts continue to languish at around a third of normal levels.

如果你想要的更多,那就不要苦思于“偶尔有性的朋友”这种情感关系中。Don't languish in a friends-with-benefits relationship when you want more.

新鲜的食物和剩饭在拥挤的架子上减减变质,最后变坏。Fresh foods and leftovers languish on crowded shelves and eventually go bad.

新鲜的和剩下的食物被挤在冰箱的架子上,最终腐烂变质。Fresh foods and leftovers languish on crowded shelves and eventually go bad. Mr.

让他们在煎熬中,在你的卧室,你一定要捕捉一些弗拉克。Let them languish in a box in your bedroom and you are sure to catch some flack.

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而那些她鄙视的,则并不受重视,比如国务卿迪安•腊斯克。And those she disdains, such as Secretary of State Dean Rusk, tended to languish.

但是,美元兑一揽子货币的汇价已经跌到了15个月低点附近。But the dollar continues to languish near 15-month lows against a basket of currencies.

市场和餐厅鸡的销售量一落千丈,宠物店鸟笼里憔悴的鸟也无人问津。Chicken sales are down at markets and restaurants, and caged birds languish unsold in pet shops.

打电话给医院组织激光治疗,难懂你希望我继续这样受煎熬吗?Ring the hospital to organize some laser treatment, or do you wish me to continue to languish like this?

在出台更有效的治理策略之前,这些服务可能会一直处于被搁置状态、永不见天日。Such services may languish until a more effective governance strategy can bring them into the light of day.

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这是我们代代相袭的永恒的遗憾,而你只不过又是一个为这朵玫瑰而憔悴的人。This is an eternal regret handed down from generation and you are only one of those who languish for flowers.

我们说相信机会是均等,结果却袖手旁观看着数百万美国孩子们在贫穷中憔悴。We say we believe in equal opportunity but then stand idle while millions of American children languish in poverty.

地上悲哀衰残,世界败落衰残,地上居高位的人也败落了。The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish.

十年间,他在夹缝之中辛勤耕耘、艰难生存,看着一份份进步杂志被查抄,他的书躺在书店的角落里无人问津,他写的杂文没有人去看。For 10 years he brooded on the sidelines, seeing a magazine venture fail, his books languish unsold, his essays go unread.

太阳的了无生气一直延续下来,直到12月中旬,一组最大的可持续数年的太阳黑子出现了。The sun continued to languish until mid-December, when the largest group of sunspots to emerge for several years appeared.

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这是人类代代相袭的遗憾,你,只是又一个为花叹息的人。This is an eternal regret handed down from generation to generation and you are only one of those who languish for follwers.

这是人类代代相袭的永恒的遗憾,只不过你又是一个为花而憔悴的人。This is an eternal regret handed down from generation to generation and you are only one of those who languish for followers.

用减压贮藏切花,能够延长贮藏寿命,减低切花的衰老凋萎速度和损耗。With the reduced pressure storage cut flowers, can prolong storage life, reduce the aging languish speed and cut consumption.