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一个重新发现财富人生的雪维平皱密码!A rediscovery of fortune life sooth wrinkle code!

它们的重见天日,对西方世界产生了深远的影响。Such that rediscovery of them could have such a profound effect on the western world.

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据认为,孟德尔遗传的重新发现使达尔文的观点作废。It was thought that the rediscovery of Mendelian inheritance invalidated Darwin's views.

可以说,仁义精神的再发现将会帮助中央政府获得一个合法的地位。The rediscovery of both ren and li would, arguably, help it gain a legitimate foothold as one.

灵性训练的主旨是让他重新发现自己与神性合为一体。The goal of spiritual discipline is the rediscovery of his true identity with the divine Reality.

西方文化复兴于文艺复兴繁荣的中世纪晚期。Then the rediscovery of Western culture in Europe in the Late Middle Ages prompted the Renaissance.

现象学教育学呼唤教育实践之人文精神的重新发现与回归。Phenomenological pedagogy calls for the rediscovery and return of human spirits in educational practice.

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这就为“重新发现”古代文化和由丝绸之路而来的珍宝提供了机会。This provided the opportunity for the "rediscovery" of ancient cultures and treasures along the trade routes.

自1981年朱鹮在陕西洋县重新被发现时,其种群数量只有7只。The rediscovery of the Crested ibis in 1981 in Yangxian, Shaanxi Province, there were 7 Crested ibises in total.

我们若要重新经历以上帝为中心的敬拜,必须先研究圣经对敬拜的教导。The rediscovery of God-centered worship must come from a fresh examination of the biblical teaching concerning worship.

美国人突现出了群体性节俭复苏潮流,该现象更是将国家经济推向了自1982年以来最为严重的萧条之中。Americans’ collective and sudden rediscovery of thrift is pushing the economy into its worst recession since at least 1982.

如果说过去的25年,世界经济的发展有一条主线的话,那就是重新发现了市场经济的力量。If the story of the past quarter of a century has a one-line plot summary, it is the rediscovery of the power of market capitalism.

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此次奥运也象徵著在现今以欧美为中心的世界体系里,重新发现和重新考验古老的中国智慧的一个开端。The Game is a signal of beginning of rediscovery and reexamination of age-old Chinese wisdom and culture in the Euro-American centered World System.

电视节目对于大量汽车的黄金时代的重新关注是试图将前撒切尔时代从历史的污垢之中拯救出来。The televisual rediscovery of the golden age of mass motoring may be part of a similar attempt to rescue the pre-Thatcher era from the dustbin of history.

对“东方”和“原始”艺术的再发现,也关系到对当今艺术及艺术史实践中潜藏的语言和意识形态的重新评价。The rediscovery of "oriental" and "primitive" art relates to the reevaluation of language and ideology underlying contemporary art and art-historical practice.

重新发现这些贝壳的研究人员说,这些珠子更有力的证实了象征性思维的出现比以前认为的要早。The researcher of these conch says rediscovery , the evidence with these stronger bead understands symbolistic thinking appear to want than what think before early.

现在,当它一被呈现,这个发现变成一种重新发现,而且,它总是准备再次溜走,因此形成损失的维度。Now, as soon as it is presented, this discovery becomes a rediscovery and, furthermore, it is always ready to steal away again, thus establishing the dimension of loss.

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三千年后,当它被重新发现时,也出现了考古学历史上最为离奇的谜题。The lost city of Pi-Ramesse became the stuff of legend, until 3,000 years later, its rediscovery opened up one of the most bizarre puzzles in the history of archeology.

此外,这一人类道德之本质的和固有的价值的重新发现,必须包括私法与道德律之间关系的恰当观念的复兴。Moreover, this rediscovery of essential and innate human and moral values must include the recovery of the proper vision of the relationship between civil law and moral law.

火山使得城内建筑坍塌,并将庞培城掩埋于数米深的灰烬和轻石之下。这座古城消失了近1700年,于1748年偶然间被再度发现。The volcano collapsed higher roof-lines and buried Pompeii under many meters of ash and pumice, and it was lost for nearly 1700 years before its accidental rediscovery in 1748.