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他的生意还没有走红运。His business was far from being a bonanza !

他们穿越了育空河,找到了黄金富矿。They crossed the Yukon River and found the bonanza gold.

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他曾为自己的国家赢得了一笔受原油驱使的巨大财富。Who has presided over an oil-driven bonanza for his country.

结果,管理咨询业变成了一座金矿。The result was a bonanza for the management-consulting industry.

今天,俄国军事的兴旺宣告结束,而中国的繁荣已初见端倪。Today, Russia's military bonanza is over, and China's is just beginning.

从16世纪后期开始,新散文就从来没有这么热。Not since the late 16th century has there been such a bonanza in new prose.

汉唐电子公司声称香蕉USB闪存驱动的橡胶外壳使得它可以抗震。And Hantat claims that the Bonanza USB's rubber exterior makes it shockproof.

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皇室婚礼给崇英派们带来的整整一年的货真价实的财富。The royal wedding caps a year that has so far been a true bonanza for Anglophiles.

此为第一之福德润泽、善润泽、安乐食。This is the first bonanza of merit, bonanza of skillfulness , nourishment of bliss.

此为第二之福德润泽、善润泽、安乐食。This is the second bonanza of merit, bonanza of skillfulness, nourishment of bliss.

欢迎光临伯南斯外语教学。我们在广州有最便利和舒适的地方学习外语。Bonanza Languages is the most convenient and comfortable place to learn foreign languages.

找到富矿带的希看令人兴奋,他感到有一种特殊的纽带链接着他和他的工人。The prospect of finding a bonanza was exciting and he felt a special bond with his workers.

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你可以与所有一色,组合起来有点或走一段充满吹缋财源。You can go with all one color, mix it up a bit, or go for a full blown multi-color bonanza.

但在见到苏世民手下的团队后,我意识到这将是一个绝好的赚钱机会。But once I met the team that Steve had put together, I realized what a bonanza this could be.

找到富矿带的希望令人兴奋,他感到有一种特殊的纽带链接着他和他的工人。The prospect of searching a bonanza were exciting and he felt a special bond with his workers.

佩贾的重写了黄蜂队威斯力在2002年创造的8个三分的记录。Stojakovic's 3-point bonanza rewrote the Hornets' record of eight, set by David Wesley in 2002.

事实证明,对两大宗教而言,全球化与不断增长的财富的两相结合是一大鸿运。The combination of globalisation and rising wealth is proving to be a bonanza for both religions.

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只要电视家庭购物指南一介绍女子睡衣,沃里一晚上都不说一句话。And if the home shopping network has their lingerie bonanza on, Wally 's speechless the whole night.

当他告诉我时,我觉得我的心中止跳动了,然后又重新开始嘣嘣跳。博南扎飞机只距离我和死亡挑战地几英里远。When he told me, I felt my heart cease, then begin again, The Bonanza was just a few miles from me and dead ahead.

而且这对那些水暖制造商商来说简直就是一笔横财,他们正企图从这个世界上最大的厕所市场上获取一席之地。And it has been a bonanza for plumbing manufacturers, which are vying for a piece of the world's largest loo market.