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凝冷的晨露躺在沼泽陷阱。And the death-dews sleep on the morass.

死亡之露在沼泽地里入眠。And the death- dews sleep on the morass.

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洛萨在黑色沼泽摧毁了三个岗哨。Lothar destroys three outposts in the Black Morass.

他成了专家,能用脚在沼泽里探路。He became expert at feeling for it in the morass with his feet.

但在一切细节的沼泽中,我们似乎漏掉了一点。But in the morass of all this minutiae, we seem to be missing the point.

数学知识是确定无疑的,它给人们在沼泽地上提供了一个稳妥的立足点。Mathematical knowledge was certain and offered a secure foothold in a morass.

没有一本规则手册,让你走过老年人照顾任务和需求的”泥沼“。There's no rule book to guide you through the morass of eldercare tasks and demands.

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自信的人即使身处困境,也会自强不息,奋勇向前!Men with confidence can constantly strive and boldly march in a morass of difficulty.

法蒂玛.布托的家族史充满了政治、改革、革命、悲剧的调料。Fatima Bhutto’s family history is a complex morass of politics, reform, revolution, and tragedy.

对这类案件的调查暴露了中国纠缠不清的、泥淖般的监管制度。Investigations into such cases have thrown light on the tangled morass of the Chinese regulatory system.

她说,目前的美国金融体系已经"陷入监管的泥潭",需要的是改革,而非单纯加强监管.She said the current U.S. system was "a morass of regulation" that needs reform, not just more regulation.

然而,发展中国家并没有足够的活力,让全球经济长期远离泥沼。Yet developing countries are not robust enough to keep the global economy from sinking in a morass for long.

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1989年至1991年,由于国内外局势的急剧变动,我国的个体私营经济陷入困境之中。During 1989-1991, individual private economy fall into morass because of the variation in economy and politics.

如果这片沼泽地里,能够用比正则表达式稍微可靠点的东西进行处理就好了。It would be nice if that morass could be processed with something a little more reliable than regular expressions.

从新奥尔良的混乱的中心不到一个小时的路程有一个原始的被称为蜂蜜岛沼泽的“回水泥沼”。Less than an hour away from the chaotic heart of New Orleans lays a primordial backwater morass known as the Honey Island Swamp.

几周以来,奥巴马一直强调他所接手的经济所面临的严峻困难,但现在,他开始高调发表乐观言论。After weeks of emphasizing the economic morass he was inheriting, the president segued sharply to declarative statements of optimism.

该指数的分项详情也未能增加楼市改善将带领美国经济摆脱困境的希望.Nor were details of the confidence survey reassuring for those hoping that a turnaround in housing will lead the economy out of its morass.

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当代书坛面临着理性精神失落的困境,粗暴的否定太多,理性的建构太少。The contemporary is facing a morass in which the spirit of reason is sinking. There are more crude denials than reasonable constructions in it.

相反,越来越多的人认为,房屋市场泡沫和金融危机造成的混乱将使我们在未来几年中与困境搏斗。Instead, there is a widening belief that the mess left behind by the housing bubble and financial crisis will be a morass to contend with for years.

除非这样,否则当文件跨越国界、平台和语言传递的时候,我们就会陷入不能互操作的泥潭。Until this happens, we're stuck in a morass of noninteroperable files that break as they're transferred across national, platform, and linguistic boundaries.