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最稀有和高端的耳机叫“静电式耳机。”The ultimate rarified type of ultra-high-end headphones are known as 'electrostatic' designs.

这一小众群体处理现金的方式和我们有别,也让他们始终有盈余。How this rarified group uses their cash differentiates them from the rest of us — and keeps them in the black.

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你可以用不对等来形容比赛,所以我们可以说决赛是令人心痛的一边倒。Mismatch is a cruel word to use at this rarified level of football, so let us just say the final was painfully one-sided.

在光球层更外面的色球层以及极其稀薄的电晕,在空中延展几百万千米的范围。Beyond the photosphere in the chromosphere and the extremely rarified corona, which extends millions of kilometres into space.

能够只身站立在山顶,呼吸一下第一的新鲜空气,即使只有一两天,想必感觉也相当不错了啊。It was nice for a day or two to stand on top of the mountain and breathe in the fresh, rarified air of the No. 1 seed all alone.

帮助司机避免撞车的尖端技术,正加快其在豪华轿车领域的应用。Sophisticated technology that helps drivers avoid a crash is accelerating its descent from the rarified reaches of super luxury cars.

如今,你们即将成为另外一个不常见的群体的一员,成为“前第一孩子”——一个自动加在你们身上且只能自行探索的职位。Now you are about to join another rarified club, one of former First Children – a position you didn't seek and one with no guidelines.

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功名拿到,爱却早已睡着,我不再年轻,在日渐稀薄的空气中感到窒息。Though my fame and fortune rose, early on love began to doze. No longer young, I feel suffocated in this increasingly rarified atmosphere.

为更多纯运动迷的T恤衫的供应商“哲学足球”出售的杯子上写着“我的另一个杯子支持废除君主制。”A mug from Philosophy Football, suppliers of T-shirts to more rarified sports fans, reads “My other mug supports the abolition of the monarchy”.

有若蚊蝇于死亡中滋养自身,吾见坟墓中幽魂之完形,无论最粗糙者抑或最精细者。Like the fly that nourishes itself on death, I discern the specter of the grave in all its manifestations, from the grossest to the most rarified.