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转移你的注视。Shift your gaze.

他大胆回应她的凝视。He met her gaze boldly.

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她的目光盯在了那墓碑上。Her gaze stayed on the grave.

别再凝视那苦涩惨凄的镜面Gaze no more in the bitter glass

他的目光盯在珠宝上。His gaze fastened on the jewels.

你凝望着的是何等的空虚!What emptiness do you gaze upon!

亲爱的,凝视你自己心里Beloved, gaze in thine own heart.

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噢这野物苔藓色的凝望。Oh the mossy gaze of the wild thing.

在他的注视下她低下了头。She lowered her head under his gaze.

他不畏怯地注视著我。He looked at me with a fearless gaze.

你的前额并凝视你的双眼。Thine Eyes, and on thy Forehead Gaze.

一只猫头鹰被迫强作雄鹰的俯瞰。An owl forced to the gaze of an eagle.

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丹妮转身将目光投向她的城市。Dany turned to gaze out over her city.

她目不转睛地看着老人的嘴。Her gaze rested on the old man's mouth.

你要是一直盯着这些水纹。If you gaze at these ripples for a while.

眼睛凝视胸部或头垂落下来。Gaze at your chest or drop your head back.

她的目光落在溅满泥浆的床罩上。Her gaze fell on the mud-stained coverlet.

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这时,他的目光才落在哈利的身上。It was then that his gaze fell upon Harry.

望着西天边不死的一条缝。To gaze at western sky for an eternal line.

我爱凝视此些等,山海风情,永不厌腻!How willing I am to gaze upon these forever!