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关冰箱门。Closes the refrigerator door.

爬到冰箱顶上的猫。Cats on top of the refrigerator.

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肯莫尔制冷机冰桶。Kenmore refrigerator ice bucket.

这台冰箱会自动除霜。This refrigerator defrosts itself.

放入雪柜冷藏至凝固。Chill in the refrigerator until set.

冰箱终于坏了。The refrigerator finally conked out.

如果你食物尚余。If you have food in your refrigerator.

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完了后把照片贴在冰箱上。Put this picture on your refrigerator.

这台冰箱和橱柜很配。The refrigerator matches the cabinets.

在冰箱旁边的小柜子里…In the cabinet next to the refrigerator.

这种电冰箱价格公道。The refrigerator is reasonable in price.

这台电冰箱冷度不够。The refrigerator doesn't get cool enough.

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这台冰箱是低噪音设计。This refrigerator is of low noise design.

把煮好的五花腩放在雪柜冷冻。Freeze the pork belly in the refrigerator.

这台制冷机的能量是多少?What is the capacity of this refrigerator.

能襄助移一下冰箱吗?Would you help me remove the refrigerator?

冰箱给我家带来了方便。DIABLO convenience of a refrigerator to me.

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该产品达到,在冰箱本身。The produce reach-in refrigerator at Per Se.

例句一、你怎样才能把长颈鹿搁到冰箱里?How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?

冰箱里有两个冰激凌。There are two ice-creams in the refrigerator.