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就值得你接受。你知道,爱就是火And worthy of acceptation. Fire is bright

嫉妒和羡慕词义相隔太多?。Are jealousy and admiring acceptation be apart too much?

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这话是可信的,是值得完全接纳的。This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation.

这个形容词给受到正对的客观物体注入了新的意义。The adjective injected new acceptation into the objected cold article.

贾樟柯表示,获得这一奖项是对他电影工作的肯定。Jia Zhangke said, to receive this award is the acceptation for his film work.

第三,释义所用词语词义应尽可能是词典所收词语词义。Thirdly, the work and acceptation using in paraphrase should be embodied in dictionary.

野心在当时完全是一种钟楼赛跑②。Ambition was at that time, in the direct acceptation of the word, a race to the steeple.

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一是词义发展继续利用单音词的形式。The other is the development of acceptation still use the form of single syllable words.

我们需要把接受的文学性、审美性作为一个重点来关注。Thus, we need to pay more attention to the literary and aesthetic characteristics of acceptation.

你的疑难的目光是含愁的。它要追探懂得我的意思,似乎月亮探测大海。Your analytic eyes are sad. They assume to know my acceptation as the moon would appreciate the sea.

第四章主要是阐述新词新语的词形与词义之间复杂的关系。The fourth chapter speaks of the complex relation between the morphology and acceptation of neology and neologism.

本文考察分析了韩国汉字语和现代汉语词汇在词义方面的状况。The situation on acceptation of vocabulary in Korean Kanji and modern Chinese is studied and analyzed in this thesis.

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我们有信心、也有能力圆满完成本次的接待任务,为这次文化旅游节做出贡献。We have the confidence and ability to smoothly finish the acceptation task to make contribution for the culture and tour festival.

在同样的意义下,对于科学的研究,我们可以据以区别开客观的兴趣和主观的兴趣之不同的出发点。In the same acceptation we can distinguish in any scientific pursuit the objective and the subjective interest of the investigation.

最后,本文寄希望于“俱分进化”之真善美方面的进化,呼吁倡导一种培养新感性的影视艺术接受美学。Finally, the article calls for a new acceptation aesthetics of video art, which will build a new sense about the film and television art.

我们竭诚为广大用户提供完善的售后服务和技术支持,为雷斯顿企业赢得更宽广的客户群。We dedicated the majority of users with a comprehensive after-sales service and technical support for enterprises to win customer acceptation.

移动IP是一种全球因特网上提供移动功能的网络层解决方案,它简单、可扩展,得到学术界的普遍认可。Mobile IP is thus a solution for mobility on the global Internet. It has gained universal acceptation in academia because of its simplicity and scalability.

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指代词语义模糊性的根源在于作者的创作意图、指代词的词义本身和指代对象的复杂性。The root of semantic fuzziness exists in the authors intension, the acceptation of the demonstrative pronoun itself and the complexity of the referred-object.

词义的完整系统性当从词义的纵向联系、横向联系、纵横交叉联系三个方向进行探讨。A completed and systematic acceptation could be investigated from three directions, that is, vertical association, horizontal association and cross association.

这可是个大哉问!你们将会看出这个程度,它的所谓反身的通用意义,被展示的范围,无法让它获得任何程度的一致性。And you would see the degree to which its so-called reflexive acceptation is displayed across a range which does not allow it to be given any degree of consistency.