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墙被涂过了。The wall was coated.

舌苔厚腻。One's tongue is coated.

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她蓬头垢面。Dirt had coated her face.

我用石蜡涂盖表层。He then coated it with wax.

药丸挂了一层糖衣。The pills are coated with sugar.

耐用,聚树脂,密封涂层。Durable, poly-resin, seal coated.

HDPE及优质镀锌钢钉。HDPE with zinc coated steel nail.

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地板上涂了一层清漆。The floor is coated with varnish.

材料是250克铜版纸。The material is 250gsm coated paper.

他在椅子上涂了一层白漆。He coated his chairs with white paint.

风给洗过的衣物盖上一层尘土。The wind coated the washing with dust.

两册套装—光面铜版纸和胶版纸。Set of two guides, coated and uncoated.

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简直是胡说八道和糖衣炮弹。Complete Non-sense and Sugar Coated talk.

我家地下室的家具盖满了灰尘。Dust coated the furniture in my basement.

各种糖衣片、素片、胶囊等。All kinds of sugar coated tablets, tablets.

他弄得从头到脚都是泥。He got coated from head to foot with slime.

加入苹果和杏仁,搅拌至裹上一层原料。Add the apple and apricot. Stir until coated.

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抗菌钢是一种新型抗菌材料。Antimicrobial coated steel is a new material.

香蕉裹以糖衣,味道会更美。Coated with sugar, bananas will taste better.

板面为高密度板,外覆三聚氰胺面,颜色可选。Board MDF coated with melamine surface colors.