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这个体育馆有500个座位。The stadium seats 500.

这个体育场是新建的。This stadium is new-built.

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一座闪亮的新体育场。A shiny, new national stadium.

宾宾准备去露天运动场。Binbin is going to the stadium.

乔·乐夫乔伊从锐步球场发来报道Joe Lovejoy at the Reebok Stadium

然后是洋基体育场。好吧,And then the Yankee Stadium. Well,

草皮已植在了体育场里。The grass was sown in the stadium.

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这是遵义的汇川体育馆。This is the Zunyi Kymmene Stadium.

让我们一起在小巨蛋摇滚,好吗?Let's rock the stadium together ok.

我们希望体育场届时能爆满。We hope the stadium will be packed.

体育场的座位很脏。The seats at the stadium were dirty.

你是要去奥林匹克体育场么?Are you going to the Olympic Stadium?

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然后他们进入体育场射击。Then they entered the stadium firing.

达拉拉球场总是给舍瓦带来好运。The Dall'Ara stadium brings Sheva luck.

五棵松将建设什么体育馆?What stadium will be built in Wukesong?

新体育场到了,很壮观啊!Here we are, at the spectacular stadium.

我要去棒球场可以在这里下车吗?Shall I get off here to go to a stadium?

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那个体育场是南北走向。The stadium is oriented south and north.

碗状体育场或室外剧院。A bowl-shaped stadium or outdoor theater.

33000座位的体育场座无虚席。The 33, 000-seat stadium was nearly full.