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那条狗直蹿过花坛。The dog rushed straight through the flowerbed.

他在他花园的花坛里种植郁金香。He grows tulips in the flowerbed in his garden.

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这条狗把花坛践踏得花叶凋零。The dog left the flowerbed at sixes and sevens.

游泳池在花园和花圃之间。The swimming pool is between the garden and the flowerbed.

几门大炮立刻瞄准了这个掩蔽的掩体。At once several gun crews aimed their guns at the fake flowerbed.

有一个戴着白色巴拿马草帽的老人正在给阶梯旁的花槽浇水。An old man in white panama hat was watering the flowerbed beside the steps.

人工草坪边机是一个用于创建一个清晰的围绕一个花坛边完善。A manual lawn edger is perfect for creating a crisp edge around a flowerbed.

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花坛中间有个方形的暗井,不知道是做什么用的。There is a covered shaft in the middle of the flowerbed. Nobody knows what it is for.

凸起的花坛可以通过铺设在填方木和堆肥它建成。A raised flowerbed can be built by laying wood in a square and filling it with compost.

经切割的花坛是容易生长,并应包括各个不同季节的混合花。A cut flowerbed is easy to grow and should include mixed flowers for every different season.

花坛设计注重色彩的丰富性和景观的多样性,一直以来都是园林植物造景的重要组成部分。Being colorful, and diversity of views, flowerbed plays an important role in planting landscape all the time.

只有一个14、5岁的小孩子留在了外面,他躺在女贞路四号花台的外面。The only person left outdoors was a teenage boy who was lying flat on his back in a flowerbed outside number four.

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和超市的策略一样,用假花转移蜂鸟注意力,让蜂鸟选择花床提供更少能量的花朵。strategy, a fake flowerbed was set up in order to divert the hummingbirds’ attention from their flowerbed of choice to a

放在一个底部杂草障碍提出的花圃则用技巧在这个自由的视频和园艺花卉种植,从有经验的园丁。Put weed barrier on the bottom of a raised flowerbed with tips from an experienced gardener in this free video on planting flowers and gardening.

介绍绿地、花坛的构造、排水系统的类型以及排水系统的设计计算方法。The structure and category of green belt and flowerbed design are presented. Also the design and calculation of their water drainage system are added.

细细体味一颗成熟草莓的甘甜,或是你从遮荫处走出来感受到的太阳的温暖,漂亮的花床,暴风雨后的绿树。Focus on the sweetness of a ripe strawberry, the warmth of the sun when you step out from the shade, a beautiful flowerbed , or green trees after a rainstorm.

事实上,他只有在他的维能姨夫或帕尤妮亚姨妈把头伸出起居室窗外并直接往下面的花台中看时才可能被发现。In fact, the only way he would be spotted was if his Uncle Vernon or Aunt Petunia stuck their heads out of the living-room window and looked straight down into the flowerbed below.

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分析了西方传统园林花坛造景的历史,阐述了我国现代园林的花坛应用中所存在的问题,并对当前存在的问题进行了探讨。The development history of traditional flowerbed design in western garden was analyzed, and the application problems of flowerbed in modern landscape architecture in China were discussed.