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承建商是德国西马克德马格。The contractor is Germany's SMS Demag.

我们对于我们的家成了总承包。We became the General Contractor for our home.

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车手是独立的签约人。The driver is always an independent contractor.

阁下是否物主,承租人,住客或承辨人?Are you the owner, lessee, tenant or contractor?

找到那个承包商,要他定一个交货的日期。Chase up the contractor and get a delivery date.

该系统将由承包商工作人员操作。The system will be operated by contractor personnel.

所以,让我们说我是小总承包商在里诺。So, let's say I'm a small general contractor in Reno.

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除此,波音还是最大的军事、空间技术的提供商。Boeing also is a leading military and space contractor.

工程承包者应地方堆到沼泽。Engineer the Contractor shall place rockfill to swamps.

摩根斯坦利不再聘用HBGary作为安全承包商。Morgan Stanley dropped HBGary as a security contractor.

诺斯罗普·格鲁门公司的造船部门是合同主承包商。The company's Shipbuilding sector is the prime contractor.

业主与承商间之风险分配是否公平?Are risks allocated fairly between Contractor and Employer?

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我是个独立承包人,在整个波特兰地区干活。I’m an independent contractor. I do jobs all over Portland.

请一位包工估计一下修这个楼得花多少钱。Ask a contractor to estimate for the repair of the building.

承包商不得将整个工程完全分包出去。The Contractor shall not subcontract the whole of the Works.

我是美国人,是加州的退休总包商。I am an American, retired general contractor from California.

洛克希德马丁公司是终端高空防御系统的主要承包商。Lockheed Martin is the prime contractor for the THAAD system.

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莱茵金属公司是保护系统的主要承包商。Rheinmetall is the main contractor for the protection system.

道渣的来源由承包商确定。The sources of ballast shall be identified by the contractor.

平头的白化病者可以成为总承包商。Mike the albino with the crewcut can be the general contractor.