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佩蒂在家么?Is Patty home?

帕蒂•戴维斯,CNN,弗吉尼亚马克兰报道。Patty Davis, CNN, Mclean, Virginia.

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“我对这事感到抱歉,”帕蒂说。“I’m sorry about this, ” Patty said.

派蒂将信封锁在了一个保险柜里。Patty locks the envelope into a safe.

帕蒂再一次凄惨地哭了起来。Patty began to cry again very desolately.

帕蒂在大学里混了四年。Patty dawdled away four years in college.

帕蒂迎上前去,把自己交给她妈的怀抱。Patty went to her and submitted to embrace.

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派蒂•穆卡希的症状,从眼睛发痒开始。For Patty Mulcahy, it began with itchy eyes.

帕蒂在纽约韦斯特切斯特县长大,是家中四个孩子里的老大。Patty grew up in Westchester County, New York.

诺伍德和妻子帕蒂·诺伍德赞同马文教授的话。Mr. Norwood and his wife, Patty Norwood, agreed.

帕蒂记不起来自己为什么没有喊叫。Patty couldn’t remember why she hadn’t screamed.

帕蒂抱怨说,乔伊太过于得天独厚。Things came, Patty complained, too easily to Joey.

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一天又一天,帕蒂和我不厌其烦地朗诵一遍又一遍。Day after day, Patty and I plodded through recitals.

她喜欢打扮得花枝招展的去参加舞会。She likes get gussied up and goes to a dancing patty.

派蒂感到犹疑,因为这也许会引致其它的事端。Patty is hesitant because it may lead to other things.

帕蒂和达雷尔还发布了今年的CD细根。Patty and Darrell also released fine roots CDs this year.

大家开始笑柏蒂时,她乱了方寸。Patty blew her cool when everyone started laughing at her.

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手弄湿后,将肉糜揉成巴掌大团子。Dampen hands and form meat mixture into a palm-sized patty.

“我去外面等你,”帕蒂说着,出去时关上了房门。“I’ll be outside, ” Patty said, closing the door behind her.

帕蒂看上去一团糟,脸色灰扑扑的,显然没睡好,胃口也好不到哪里去。Patty was looking a mess, gray-faced, poorly slept, underfed.