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这是一本名声遐尔的经贸杂志。This is a prestigious business magazine.

她自命为著名舞蹈家。She fancied herself as an prestigious dancer.

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理所当然,她多次获得奖项。Deservedly , she won several prestigious awards.

位于山沟地段在着名的约书亚河。Located On Ravine Lot In Prestigious Joshua Creek.

其中,“八廓街”在国内外享有盛誉。Among them, " Barkhor street" is the most prestigious one.

对一个国家来说,在世界杯上踢球一直是声望很高的。To play in the World Cup is always prestigious for a country.

斯珀里尔曾领导1976年一场名为“巴黎的裁决”的备受争议的品酒大赛,在那场比赛中,美国加州的葡萄酒和知名法国葡萄酒曾同台对决。pitted Californian wines against prestigious ones from France.

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我来自一所争冠的著名大学篮球队。I came from a prestigious university that was built on winning.

国际上有一个很棒的展览,叫卡塞尔文献展。Kassel Documenta is a prestigious international art exhibition.

安妮斯顿参观著名的长春藤盟校去年秋天。The actress visited the prestigious Ivy League school last fall.

你能给我们介绍一些英国的名牌大学吗?Could you introduce some of the prestigious universities in the UK?

许多人认为该项赛事是美国最据声望的犬赛。It is considered by many to be America's most prestigious dog show.

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2009年高尔夫球公开赛已经开始了,赶快来参加吧!Step onto the prestigious Turnberry golf course with The Open 2009.

今天他是中国最有声望的智库中主要的活动家。Today he is the prime mover in China's most prestigious think tank.

一些毕业生已经进入到美国最好的大学。OHS Alumni have attended the nation's most prestigious universities.

欢迎各位来到大师杯——最负盛名的高尔夫球赛。Welcome to The Master's everyone, golf's most prestigious tournament.

曾获得首届国家级优秀教学成果奖一等奖和全国建筑鲁班奖。His architecture has won the prestigious national award -Lu Ban Award.

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随后戴上了享有声望的伞兵栗色头巾。I was then allowed to wear the paratrooper's prestigious maroon turban.

我非常荣幸,竜应邀在如此重大的场合发表讲话。I'm very honored to be invited to speak on such a prestigious occasion.

另一位是在一家颇具声望的广告公司任职人事训练主管。The other is a training supervisor at a prestigious advertising agency.