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心情茫然的时候是最冷静的吗?Be the soberest when is the mood spellbound ?

所有在场的人都似乎被这乐曲迷住了。All present seemed to be spellbound by the melody.

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我痴迷的心正再次为你打造那串美妙音韵的项链。My spellbound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs

打开收音机,让你自己为这口味独特的乐器意乱情迷一把吧。Hit the video to let the unique instrument leave you spellbound.

因此,这个学科对我来说更充满着神秘的吸引力。For this end, I'm spellbound at the mysterious charm of this subject.

他将让我们对冒险片,神秘片和喜剧片的结局着迷。He would keep us spellbound for hours on end with adventures, mysteries and comedies.

那位美国前任副总统当时着了迷似的坐在台下听完了她后面的演讲。America’s former vice-president then sat spellbound through the remainder of her speech.

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你的观众将被迷住,他们观看硬币消失,只有过了一会儿再现。Your audience will be spellbound as they watch coins vanish, only to reappear moments later.

其中大有文章的是俄国人已被最新的徐徐崭露的格鲁吉亚人英雄传说深深迷住了。Thereby hangs a tale and Russian are spellbound by the latest Georgiansaga which has been unfolding.

鹿全身闪闪发光,年轻人给迷住了,他立刻知道那是一只“神鹿”。It glittered and shone. The young man was spellbound and knew right away that it was a 'spirit deer'.

其中大有文章的是俄国人已被最新的渐渐崭露的格鲁吉亚人英雄传说深深迷住了。Thereby hangs a tale and Russian are spellbound by the latest Georgian saga which has been unfolding.

出神的凝视着,希望的目光企图穿过那厚厚的晚霞,捕捉到天外的风景。Spellbound gaze, and hope that the eyes of an attempt to pass through thick sunset, to capture the scenery outside.

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漫画中刚学走步的孩子还处于叼奶嘴和玩毛绒动物玩具的年龄,可已经被电视上的人物迷住了。The toddler in the cartoon, still at the age of pacifiers and stuffed animals, is held spellbound by the figure on the screen.

卡通片里的那些小家伙儿要么小到还在吃奶嘴,要么就是些动物娃娃,在屏幕上如同中了魔咒一般。The toddler in the cartoon, still at the age of pacifiers and stuffed animals, is held spellbound by the figure on the screen.

他在河边疾步匆匆,就像一个人幼小的时候紧跟在大人身旁、紧紧被被大人的惊险故事抓住时那样。By the side of the river he trotted as one trots, when very small, by the side of a man who holds one spellbound by exciting stories.

在那里,她编出越来越多有关遭谋杀、受折磨、被迫为娼以及食人的野蛮故事,以每人六便士迷住了观众。There she spun increasingly wild tales of murder, torture, white slavery, and cannibalism to spellbound audiences at sixpence a head.

在压抑与茫然之中,选择逃避与幻想,是我们唯一能做的,虽然这消极地让人憎恶。To suppress and spellbound in, choice of escape and illusions, is the only thing we can do, although this negative to let people abhor.

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昨天,老贝利里的人们听到了有关一位领养老金者不自量力地企图在伦敦银行胁持人质并抢劫85000英镑的一个离奇故事,当时在场的人都听得人迷了。The old bailey listened spellbound yesterday to the tale of a pensioner's doomed attempt to hold hostages at a london bank and rob it of& 85000.

我可以非常清楚地记得,有一段时间,一种深蓝色天空,这首歌的鸟,月光及花可以永远也不会使我着迷。I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.

昨天,老贝利里的人们听到了有关一位领养老金者不自量力地企图在伦敦银行胁持人质并抢劫85,000英镑的一个离奇故事,当时在场的人都听得人迷了。The Old Bailey listened spellbound yesterday to the tale of a pensioner's doomed attempt to hold hostages at a London bank and rob it of £ 85 , 000.