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锈能够折断铁。Rust breaks iron.

脑子都要锈掉了。The brain to rust out.

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露在外面的铁会生锈的。Exposed iron will rust.

铁容易生锈。Iron gathers rust easily.

盐分会使农作物变成红褐色。Salt will rust the crops.

悲伤是心灵的锈斑。Sad is the soul of the rust.

宁为烧尽,不愿锈坏。Rather burn out than rust out.

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对小麦造成侵袭的一种铁锈菌。Rust fungus that attacks wheat.

让嚼子和马刺永远生锈去吧。Bit and spur shall rust forever.

经常擦油,以免生锈。Oil it regularly to prevent rust.

秋天树叶慢慢变成红褐色。The leaves slowly rust in autumn.

锈已蚀坏这块铁。The rust has eaten into the iron.

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枪管已经锈坏了。Rust had eaten out the gun barrel.

锈侵蚀了钢轨。Rust has corroded the steel rails.

这铁管上有鳞状般的铁锈。This iron pipe is scaly with rust.

放在空气潮湿地方的铁会生锈。Iron exposed to damp air will rust.

螺旋桨已锈坏了。Rust had eaten out the water screw.

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可口可乐是铁锈的“天敌”。Coca Cola is an excellent rust buster.

汽车保险杆已锈坏。Rust has eaten into the car's bumpers.

用坏总比不用而放着生锈好。It is better to wear out than rust out.