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你应该承认还是否认?Should you fess up or deny?

让你的医生知道所有你吃的!Fess up and let your doctor know everything you're taking.

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如果你犯了错,承认就好了,忍住伤痛,然后我们继续进行下去。If you make a mistake, just fess up to it. Take your licks and we’ll press on.

也许最好是招供,最终还是相互间的关系更为重要。Probably best to ' fess up . In the end your relationship is always more important.

他们发现伯祖父费斯因为犯谋杀罪在电椅上受极刑而死。They discovered that great uncle Fess had died in the electric chair for committing a murder.

没有人真的相信他仍怀有这些同情,但问题是,他为什么不坦率地承认?Nobody really believed he still had these sympathies, but the whole question was, why didn't he fess up?

但是一些研究者已经发现让人承认一项可以制造出来的罪行是如此简单。But several researchers have found it surprisingly easy to make people fess up to invented misdemeanours.

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尽管很难承认,我的大部分自我并不想把自己仅仅奉献给某个人。And even though it's hard to fess up to, a big part of me really does want to give myself to one person alone.

此时应做的是让地产商们接受更低的价格,以及让金融机构清理自己的资产。It's time for home sellers to accept lower prices and for financial institutions to fess up about their assets.

最糟糕的是他们发现伟大的叔祖费斯竟然因谋杀罪死于电刑。Horror of horrors! They discovered that great uncle Fess had died in the electric chair for committing a murder.

因为你知道,他们干完后总想要继续发展,但我们还是把性从这个鉴别工作里剥离出来吧。Because, you know. Sometimes they just don't fess up like they should. But seriously, let's take the guesswork out of sex already.

我喜欢!坦白的说,我对总统的特工和其他重要的政府官员很感兴趣。I have to fess up that I'm fascinated with earth-bound secret service agents who protect the president and other VIP government officials.

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尽管人们的生育率正在下降,人口增长的速度正所减缓,平均每个妇女所生育的孩子从1952年的5.1个减少到2001年的2.7个。The decline was triggered largely by a drop in fertility rates. Between 1952 and 2001 fertility rates fess from 5.1 to 2.7 births per woman.

目的探讨鼻咽癌患者放疗后并发慢性鼻窦炎行功能性鼻内镜鼻窦手术的有效护理措施。Objective To discuss the effective nursing care measures of FESS of the post-radio treatment nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients in chronic sinusitis.

柯-陆氏手术是本病的主要治疗选择,而鼻内窥镜手术在清理筛窦或蝶窦病变组织及术后窦腔护理有明显的优点。FESS had obvious advantage, such as cleaning of affected tissue in ethmoid sinus or sphenoid sinus with mycosis, postoperative nursing of sinus cavity and so on.

有些时侯你应该向孩子坦白你的过去——尽管会令人尴尬,也可能破坏你在孩子心目中的形象。There also are times when you should ' fess up and tell your child about your past life—despite the embarrassment or chance it may ruin your image with your child.

后鼻孔息肉可源发于上颌窦、蝶窦、中鼻甲及鼻中隔等多部位,鼻内镜手术可列为治疗后鼻孔息肉的首选方法。The choanal polyp may originate in the maxillary sinus, sphenoidal sinus, middle nasal concha, nasal septum and other parts, FESS is the first choice in treating it.

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结论接受功能性鼻窦内视镜手术的过敏患者若有适当的术后控制过敏,与非过敏者短期预后相当。The short-term outcome of FESS was similar in allergic and non-allergic CRS patients when allergic patients received adequate pharmacotherapy to control allergy symptoms.

穆切认为,人们或许不会一口承认自己的婚外情。但是,这种没能坦率承认出轨的可能性并不影响调查的质量。Munsch concedes people probably aren't 100 percent honest about their infidelity. But the likelihood that some people failed to fess up about straying wouldn't undercut the study.

但从另个角度来说,愿意冒险大胆犯错也是一种美德,只要你足够勇敢能坦然承认并在以后改成自己的错误。On the other hand, there's some virtue in being willing to take risks and say things that might be wrong, as long as you're brave enough to fess up to and correct your mistake afterward.