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腐败的属于,有关腐败的,或以腐败为特点的。Of, relating to, or characterized by putrefaction.

发酵作用于腐败作用有明显区别。There is a clear difference between fermentation and putrefaction.

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肉质脆嫩,盐渍良好,色泽鲜,不霉烂变质,无杂质。Crisp and tender, well-salted, bright in colour, no putrefaction , free from admixture.

腐烂指的是细菌把组织分解掉,并且逐渐使其液化。Putrefaction refers to the breaking down and gradual liquefaction of tissue by bacteria.

除非特别标明,要不热狗将总是含有红色色素。Putrefaction makes meat turn green which is then dyed with red chemicals to appear fresh.

他们如此四处奔波,内心的腐败被掩藏了几十年,就是这么回事。They rush about so, their inner putrefaction is concealed for a few decades, that is all.

腐败让那些通过染红色化学色素使之看起来新鲜的肉变成绿色。Putrefaction causes meat to turn green which is then dyed with red chemicals to appear fresh.

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我的童年时代,库拉斯特是一个天堂。充满香味的空气现在变成了腐臭的浓烟。All through my childhood, Kurast was a paradise. The once perfumed air now reeks of putrefaction.

这些产品大多数来属于天然材料,易于腐烂而且质量不均一。Most of these products were from natural sources, liable to putrefaction and of non-uniform quality.

鲜嫩,壳呈黄色,切去根部,无伤残,无腐烂,每个重200-750克。Fresh and tender, with yellow skin, root removed, free from contusion and putrefaction , 200-750 g per pc.

蛋白水解及厌氧裂解会产生具有恶臭气味的胺类化合物的反应叫做腐败。This proteolysis and anaerobic breakdown of proteins that yields foul-smelling amine compounds is called putrefaction.

我后面还要告诉你们,甚至连动植物的衰落和腐烂也都深受这些变化的影响。And I shall have to tell you later that even the processes of putrefaction and decay had been profoundly affected by these changes.

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利用食品微生物之发酵技术来制造食品的方法,以及食品腐败之原因与其防止方法。Application the fermentation technique of food microbes on food processing. The food putrefaction and the contamination prevention were also introduced.

在加工面粉的时会产生大量细菌,还有腐败的肉制品需要用化学物品来处理。The time consuming process for making processed meats creates high bacteria counts and putrefaction in the meat which need to be treated with chemicals.

在加工面粉的时会产生大量细菌,还有腐败的肉制品需要用化学物品来处理。The time consuming process for making processed meats creates high bacteria counts and putrefaction of the meat which need to be treated with chemicals.

自打蛔虫靠腐烂动植物身上的细菌为生起,她认为它们能辨认和追踪腐烂的气味。Since worms eat bacteria that feed on decaying plants and carcasses, she figured they should be able to detect and home in on the aromas of putrefaction.

春天,天气逐步炎热起来,容易引发食物腐败变质,据试验一个细菌一天可以裂变成数亿万个细菌。Spring, weather is progressively and torrid rise, cause food putrefaction easily, according to the experiment a bacterium can be cracked one day become several bacteria.

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对同一绢纺厂不同腐化缸的腐化液所含除油细菌进行分离,并对不同细菌的除油效果进行比较。The oil-removing bacteria in the putrefaction solution in different putrefaction jars of a silk spinning factory were separated and their oil-removing effects were compared.

此外他们还找到十三具遗体,但更多的遗体可能还被掩埋在混凝土,砖块和水泥废墟下面三十英尺的地方,因为这里已经可以闻到轻微的腐烂气味。They had also found 13 bodies, but many more remain beneath the 30-foot pile of concrete, brick, and plaster, as the slight odor of putrefaction hanging over the site testifies.

不吃腐败变质的食物,不喝生水,生吃瓜果要烫洗,要养成饭前便后洗手的良好习惯。Do not eat the food of putrefaction , do not drink unboiled water, eat melon and fruit raw to want scald, want nurturance anteprandial hind the good convention that wash one's hands.