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我们怎么可能未卜先知?How were we supposed to know?

她该当跟你在一路。Shes supposed to be with you.

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难道要让我侧着身坐吗?Am I supposed to sit sideways?

我该怎样尊敬他们?How am I supposed esteem them?

本来就该很困难。Supposed to be something hard.

我该在哪换车?Where am I supposed to change?

噢,我不应该说这些的。Oops . I'm not supposed to say.

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对她而言,我选择打电话给她。With her, I’m supposed to call.

这场献艺应当是相当好的。The show is supposed to do well.

我们该怎样看待撒旦?How are we supposed to see Satan?

照说这就是那一年。This was supposed to be the year.

这场献艺应该是相当好的。The show is supposed to work well.

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好容易把一棵矮树看作人熊!How easy is a bush supposed a bear!

预计本周都应该是晴天。Itrs supposed to be sunny all week.

他们应该卖那些东西。They're supposed to sell the stuff.

你想让人家啥时候睡觉?When is a person supposed to sleep?

因为年轻人往往没有耐心Youth are supposed to be impatient.

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你们认为我会轻信那个故事吗?Am I supposed to swallow that story?

今天应该是发薪水的日子。Today, it was supposed to be payday.

你不能假定自己就是一个专家。You aren’t supposed to be an expert.