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拉鍊夹到我的屁股。The zip bit my hip.

放松胯关节。Relieves hip joints.

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试着从屁股那边拍。Try Shoot from the hip.

身体橙色,臀部万岁!Body orange, hip hooray!

我看上去很兴奋吗Do I look hip or with it?

西装本身也越做越时髦了。Suits are also becoming hip.

手与臀部在同一水平线上。Keep your hands at hip level.

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我的肩部和臀部都受了伤。my shoulder hurt, and my hip.

她的上衣折边垂至臀部。Her coat blouses above the hip.

他折断了胸骨和髋关节。He’d fractured his rib and hip.

腰间挂着剑和匕首。At his hip hung a sword and dagger.

欧瑞,为你的人生喝彩!Hip Hip Hooray, cheer for your life!

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我完全赞成要保持激情与新潮。I’m all for staying hip and relevant.

敲膝盖或髋关节异常旋转。Knock-knees or abnormal hip rotation.

地雷,你,还想扭胯麽?Landmine ? Want to do the hip twist ?

右臀拉伸,左膝伸展。Right hip extends. Left knee extends.

获取的部位通常是病人的髋骨。This is usually the patient's hip bone.

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什么瑜伽姿势伸展髋屈肌?。What Yoga Poses Stretch the Hip Flexors?

患侧在上,嘱患肢屈膝屈髋。Paretic in, enjoin limb knees hip flexor.

她行走时臀部扭来扭去。The needle went into my hip with a prick.