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他年龄并不老,可是已经歇顶了。He is not old but is already balding.

克里斯托夫·包定在北京大学任教。Christopher Balding teaches at Peking University.

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有个谢顶的推销员把她弄怀了孕后离开。A balding solicitor who got her pregnant then left.

残留在秃头上的稀发乱七八糟地挓挲着。What hair remained on his balding head stuck out untidily.

我回过头,看到一个已近中年、有些谢顶的男人。I turned to see a balding man who was approaching middle age.

詹姆斯是纽约一个开始秃头的中年建筑商,他的体型像坦克一样。James is a balding middle-aged New York builder built like a tank.

贾德和弗雷德·布拉塞尔两人才三十多岁就过早地谢了顶。Jud and Fred Brasser were both prematurely balding men in their early thirties.

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另一个早熟且秃顶的孩子转过身来看着她,“哦,她一定是个模特,”他答道。The prematurely balding one turns around to look. “Oh yeah, she must be a model,” he replies.

这位颓顶、白发,脸上有着很深皱纹的男士太老了,不可能是我的老同学。This balding , gray-haired man with the deeply lined face was too old to have been my classmate.

是的,我把加拿大看成一个矮小、秃顶、戴着厚厚眼镜、跟女孩讲话时结结巴巴的人。Yes. I see Canada as a short, balding man with thick glasses who stutters when talking to a girl.

大约有四分之一的男人从25岁开始渐渐脱发,有三分之二的男人在60岁的时候已经秃头了。About one-quarter of men start losing their hair at age 25 and two-thirds have begun balding by 60.

大约有四分之一的男人从25岁开端渐渐脱发,有三分之二的男人在60岁的时分曾经秃头了。About one-quarter of men start losing their hair at age 25 and two-thirds have begun balding by 60.

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他正在秃顶,而且有皮肤病,这种疾病会减少黑色素并且在皮肤上留下白斑。He was balding and suffered from a skin disease that reduced pigment and left patches of white skin.

一个光头的应聘者,请求出去一下,几分钟后回来戴了一顶帽子。Balding Candidate excused himself and returned to the office a few minutes later wearing a headpiece.

他是一名国家石油公司的高管,身材矮小,有些秃顶,娶了本地女人为妻。He was a podgy, balding 48-year-old executive with the state oil company, married with daughters at home.

房间没有老书,她们发现了已经死掉、秃毛断尾的老鼠,并很快做了处理。Instead of an old book, they found the now dead, balding , short-tailed rat, which they summarily removed.

今天,宇航员很有可能脾气温和、形容普通,年龄较大-----可能头顶光光、大腹便便。Today, astronauts are just as likely to be mild-mannered, nerdy and aging — and possibly balding and paunchy.

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在20岁时就有任意一种秃头的男性患前列腺癌的概率是其他男性的两倍。The men who reported any kind of balding in their 20s were twice as likely to be in the prostate cancer group.

我把纸条拿给老师,那是一个高大的、有些谢顶的男人,桌上的铭牌写着他是梅森老师。I took the slip up to the teacher, a tall, balding man whose desk had a nameplate identifying him as Mr. Mason.

谢顶的桑普拉斯继续破掉了对手的发球局并用漂亮的网前球一度以4-2领先。The balding Sampras proceeded to break his opponent's serve and then moved 4-2 ahead courtesy of a delightful drop shot.