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可是,当心呀,别选择错了!But beware an erring choice!

改正错误的最好方法就是避免犯错误。The best way to correct mistakes is to avoid erring.

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职业专家倡议,宁可功于谨严也不要大意。Career experts suggest erring on the side of caution.

到目前为止,政府是站在富人这一边的。So far the government is erring on the side of the rich.

到目前为止政府的选择是站在富人这一边。So far the government is erring on the side of the rich.

她对男人们没有信心,知道他们总要犯错误的。She had too little faith in mankind not to know that they were erring.

还有,穿得太正式总比太随便好些。You're better off erring on the side of too professional than too casual.

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它批评主要承包商在其最初估价中犯了严重的错误。It criticises the main contractor for seriously erring in its original estimates.

而随着事态的发展,巴拉克·奥巴马仍然像他习惯的那样保持着谨慎观望的态度。And Barack Obama, as is his wont, is erring on the side of caution as the drama there unfolds.

在那个可怕的夜晚,我思潮起伏,我想我是个错误的基督教徒,是个残酷的父亲。Now in that night of horror I was assailed by the thought that I had been an erring Christian and.

相反,他很可能会赞成多做一些不同的尝试,并且不惜反应过度。He is instead likely to argue for trying many different things and erring on the side of overreaction.

在首次公开募股报价的时候,出于谨慎的考量而犯点错误是情有可原的。Yet there is something to be said for erring on the side of caution when setting initial offer prices.

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中央珍珠垂下长短不一的细致的吊穗,高贵并充满流动感。Delicate tassel draped from the center pearl setting makes this erring looks classic and full of movement.

我们的建议是谨慎为上,因为过早退出比过迟退出的代价更大。We recommend erring on the side of caution, as exiting too early is costlier than exiting too late,” he said.

迄今为止,政府似乎错误地给予破产机构过多的支持。So far, the government appears to be erring on the side of propping up insolvent institutions far more than is necessary.

我们也在这里诚恳地呼吁凡是在这宣言里所讨论的命题上偏离了上帝的话语的福音派肢体们回转及归正。We also earnestly call back erring professing evangelicals who have deviated from God's Word in the matters discussed in this Declaration.

就个人而言,我比较倾向于穿得隆重点儿--但也别破戒穿那些你正常情况下永远都不会穿的东西。I’m personally in favor of erring on the side of over-dressing – but not to the extent that you put on something you would never normally wear.

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我们几乎可以听见弥尔顿在他,展示自己已经完备的寓言诗之后说,“因此关于斯潘塞的,都是错误It's almost as if we can hear Milton say, after he's given his own really quite elaborate display of allegorical poetry, "Thus Spenser relates, erring."

我们几乎可以听见弥尔顿在他,展示自己已经完备的寓言诗之后说,“因此关于斯潘塞的,都是错误“It's almost as if we can hear Milton say, after he's given his own really quite elaborate display of allegorical poetry, "Thus Spenser relates, erring."

健谈的人通过不断练习和犯错学会沟通技巧,安静的人通过观察健谈的人练习和犯错,同样也能学会。Talkative people might learn communication skills by trial and error, but quiet people can learn them just as well by watching talkative people trying and erring.