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并且白带增多。And the leucorrhea increases.

排尿障碍伴白带增多。Fourth, the urination barrier partner leucorrhea increases.

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服药治疗后带下病得到良好的控制。The patient's leucorrhea is under good control after taking herbs.

白带增多是慢性宫颈炎的常见症状。The leucorrhea increases is the chronic cervicitis's common symptom.

临床表现主要症状是白带增多。The clinical manifestation cardinal symptoms are the leucorrhea increase.

宫颈肥大的主要临床症状为白带增多。The cervix of the uterus large main clinical symptoms increase for the leucorrhea.

正常白带是白色的,有时透明,有时粘稠,无异味。Normal leucorrhea is white, sometimes transparent, sometimes sticky, no peculiar smell.

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青春期生殖器官发育旺盛,白带的生成也增多。Adolescent reproductive organ development exuberant, leucorrhea generation also increased.

痛感为腰骶酸困疼痛,伴有小腹坠疼、白带增多。Pain for the lumbosacral acid trapped pain, pain, leucorrhea with alvine pendant increase.

青春期生殖器官发育旺盛,白带的生成也增多。Adolescence reproductive organ development exuberant, leucorrhea generation also increased.

假设此斑是妇科病惹起的,一般会出现白带十分。Assuming that the spot is a gynecological disease breeds, usually there will be very leucorrhea.

那么怎么样从白带的性状上判断是什么妇科疾病引起的呢!How then the judgment is any gynecology department disease causes from the leucorrhea character!

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初初相遇,像一场黑白带你有,我的演技很糟糕,转眼你便消失不见。The first encounter, like a black leucorrhea you have, my acting is bad, then you will disappear.

排卵期的白带透明、量多,而其他时间则量少、粘稠。Oviposit period of leucorrhea transparent, quantity, and other time is limited in quantity, sticky.

青春期白带受雌激素影响,有周期性的变化,有时增多,有时减少。Adolescence by estrogen influence, leucorrhea cyclical change, sometimes increase, sometimes reduced.

主要副反应为经量增多、经期延长、点滴出血和白带增多。The main side effects were menorrhagia, prolonged menstrual bleeding, spotting and increased leucorrhea.

痛感为腰底部酸困疼痛,伴有小腹坠疼、白带增多。Pain relief acid at the bottom of the lumbar pain, pain associated with microgastropods falling, Leucorrhea increase.

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出现白带异常不用很担心,只要用正确的饮食进行调理,也会有好转的。Appear leucorrhea anomaly is not worry, just use correct dietary undertake recuperating, will also have to get better.

记得你在之前说过白带血丝的问题,当时就觉得你不像是来月经的。I remember you said in the previous issue of leucorrhea bloodshot, then does not feel that you have come to menstruation.

其最主要表现就是白带增多,程黄白色,粘稠,有时为脓性。Its most main performance is the leucorrhea increases, the regulation yellow white, sticks thickly, sometimes is the purulent.