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你个白痴。You moron.

电脑是个白痴。The computer is a moron.

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你明明听到了,笨蛋。You heard me, you moron.

甚至白痴都做得到。Even a moron could do it.

我都会表明自己是一个笨蛋。I'd prove myself a moron.

笨蛋,当然是我。Of course it's me. Moron.

特朗普是个危险的傻瓜。Trump is a dangerous moron.

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不要把我当白痴看待。Don't treat me like a moron.

我现在只喝了一杯,蠢人!I'm having one glass, moron.

消费者并非低能儿。The consumer is not a moron.

不,今天是星期六,你这个笨蛋。No, it's Saturday, you moron.

就像,闭嘴,你个白痴。Like, shut up. you're a moron.

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阿甘是个智商只有75的低能儿。Forrest gump's IQ only 75 moron.

他使鸣人变得像一个低能者。He made Naruto look like a total moron.

我曾以为戈登是个白痴。I used to think that Gordon was a moron.

而如果你不想想这一点,你就是傻子。And you’d have to be a moron to miss that.

甚至第三次的时候,它会对我说,“你是白痴么?And definitely by the third, “Are you moron?

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一群奴才都出来,将傻子赶走。A bunch of flunkies ran out and chased Moron away.

通过这些测验中的每一个证明,我自己是一个低能者。By every one of those tests, I'd prove myself a moron.

这是像你这样的傻子不能否定的,呵呵!This is the truth that moron like you cannot deny, hehehe!