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终有一天,麒麟将控制我们的生活!One day, KYLIN will control our life!

我觉得自己有足够的能力照顾闷油瓶。I feel adequate for taking care of Kylin.

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吴邪一边为他削着苹果一边答道。Naivete answered with an apple pared for Kylin.

听到吴邪的呻圝吟声,张起灵加快了速度。Hearing Naivete's moan, Kylin accelerated his speed.

吴邪永远都不会知道张起灵有多么依赖他。Naivete will never know how dependent Kylin is on him.

今年普宁市麒麟镇有没有英歌?。Do the Pu Ning City kylin town have English song this year?

各家好手齐聚的麒麟艺高的面试会场。Each ace of kylin daredevil gathered in the interview venue.

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那龙有角的!我看是祺鳞不然就是龙啦!That dragon has horn! I think it's a kylin , otherwise, a dragon!

这种状态一直维持到某天一只上古麒麟的突然闯入。This situation lasts till some day when a kylin appears suddenly.

玄会长让振国分开麒麟艺高去留学。The xuan President let enterprise separate kylin daredevil to go abroad.

剩下麒麟在这个街区战场中孤军奋战。Remain kylin to fight bravely in an isolated force in this block battlefield.

确定没有危险之后,闷油瓶才同意让他家小天真进入墓室。Affirming that no risk was around, Kylin allowed his Naivete to go to the vault.

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张起灵的感情似乎积累了数百年,在时光中静静等待这吴邪的到来。It seems that the feeling of Kylin has accumulated for hundreds of years, waiting for Naivete to come.

屋门最多是贴“麒麟送子”像,两个傅粉涂脂梳太子冠的娃娃,各乘麒麟。Pushes up is a stick "kylin SongZi" like, two FuFen besmear fat comb taizi crown doll, each take kirin.

而麒麟游戏的研发团队却笼络了行业内的精英。And the group of research and development of kylin game however draw over the elite inside the industry.

麒麟平台的技术优势非常适合打造教育类节目平台。Due to our advantage on technology, education program will be more suitable to be broadcasted at Kylin TV.

麒麟电视希望在弘扬中华文化上尽一些绵薄之力。It is Kylin TV's wish to contribute to the work of spreading traditional Chinese culture around the world.

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在审美意义上来说,吴邪可能没有张起灵那么帅。但他是张起灵的唯一。Naivete may not be as handsome as Kylin in aesthetic aspect. However, he is the only one cut out for Kylin.

酒店坐落于深圳科教基地大学城,毗邻深圳市野生动物园、麒麟山庄,紧靠地铁5号线大学城出口。It is adjacent to the Shenzhen Safari Park, Kylin Villa, close to the Metro Line No. 5 University City exit.

银河麒麟操作系统由863软件重大专项资助,简称KYLIN操作系统。Galaxy Kylin operation system, KYLIN for short, is supported by 863 software particularly National Research project.