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这个跨部的委员会如何运作?How will the interdepartmental council work?

我们正准备设一个跨部的委员会。We are now preparing an interdepartmental council.

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部门领导每周要开部门间的会议。Department heads also attend an interdepartmental meeting each week.

国务院根本不具备驾驭部际机构的能力。The State Department is simply not equipped to handle interdepartmental machinery.

部分酒店改进跨部门合作,将任务分配到不同的经理和部门之间。Some hotels have created interdepartmental efforts, with tasks distributed across managers and departments.

它会降低员工士气、安全、生产力、跨部门合作,以及——最重要的——客户服务。It lowers staff morale, safety, Productivity, interdepartmental cooperation, and--most significantly--customer service.

部会之间遇有特殊困难问题,就成立一个特别小组,由专人负责。When an especially difficult interdepartmental problem arose, an ad hoc task force with a responsible head was created.

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这是一个部门之间的合作交换,长期提供一个贯彻真诚地参与方法的机会。It is this interdepartmental cooperative exchange that provides a means for which to pursue sincere engagement over time.

同时,加强部门间的协调,综合解决农民工维权问题。At the same time, strengthening interdepartmental coordination, integrated solutions for workers rights protection issues.

作为销售代表,为对内和对外的工作的联络和开展提供基本的指引。To provide basic guidelines for interpersonal and interdepartmental courtesy and conduct as a representative of the Sales Department.

也许随着我们前经理的出任,就不会再发生去年部门间的敌对与争吵了。Perhaps with the appointment of our new manager we would see an end of the interdepartmental rivalries and quarrels of the previous year.

生福利及食物局将继续积极统筹各部门对抗传染病的工作。The Health, Welfare and Food Bureau will continue its proactive role in co-ordinating interdepartmental efforts to combat infectious diseases.

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由于GIS具有将数据集合和地理信息链接起来的能力,促使它们之间共享和交流局部信息。Because GISs have the ability to link data sets together by geography, they facilitate interdepartmental information sharing and communication.

几个月过后,公司发现到有人在窃取销售连络资讯,而且跨部门的通讯发生资讯外洩。After several months, the company realizes that someone is stealing sales contacts and that interdepartmental communication has been compromised.

其次在做好本职工作的前提下,可以找一些跨部门跨地域的工作来摆脱他的控制。To make up for this, you can find some transregional or interdepartmental work to do in addition to your regular duties and find more opportunities by yourself.

最早的一批美国内阁职务于1789年设立,每位总统提名一届内阁,以听取建议和促进跨部门交流。The first Cabinet posts were established in 1789, and each U.S. president has appointed a Cabinet to offer advice and facilitate interdepartmental communication.

同相关部门联系,协调进行产品的改进及新的功能的增加来及时和正确地满足客户需求。Contact with interdepartmental support function to coordinate product changes, new additions to ensure timeliness and accuracy focus on satisfying customer needs.

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对学生的移民部门间委员会将制定学生的移民制度,并会检讨谘询期间收到的意见阶段。An interdepartmental committee on student immigration will develop the student immigration regime and will review submissions received during the consultation phase.

近来,英国政府的化学物质“健康风险跨部门小组”已经公布了一份报告,提出了一个化学合成物对人类健康风险的评估体系。The government's Interdepartmental Group on Health Risks from Chemicals has recently published a report offering a framework for assessing the risks of mixtures to human health.

埃文斯还掌控着英国国家基础设施保护中心,这是一个跨部门机构,致力于减少这些关键经济领域的弱点。Mr Evans oversees the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, an interdepartmental agency devoted to reducing the vulnerabilities of these key sectors of the economy.