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一个国家?One state?

哪一个州?Which State?

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我来说明事实。I state facts.

接受我的状态。I accept my state.

分子的状态。The molecular state.

政权的傀儡木偶?Puppets of the state?

什么是稳定状态?What is steady state?

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原来你说的是那个金国。Oh, that State of Jin.

在这里我们选择活动状态。We choose active state.

国家访问如何安排?How is the state visits?

高高住在云天外。Up up the state so high.

他在国营农场工作。He works on a state farm.

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这就是英帝国王冠。The Imperial State Crown.

所有人都表情呆滞,瘦弱不堪。All look dull, thin state.

是为国家电力局筹资。For the State Power Board.

泄露国家秘密的。He divulges state secrets.

在初始状态中启动。Start in an initial state.

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即政府机关They are state structures.

那么视图状态的情况呢?What about the view state?

整个州都是沙漠。the whole state is desert.