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开始添加飞溅创造性。Start adding the splatter creatively.

高温,飞溅物,火花都可能会导致火灾和烧伤。Heat, splatter and sparks cause fire and burns.

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可能有一些不好的看着这个模糊飞溅部分。There might be some bad looking parts with this blurred splatter.

了解如何水彩颜料飞溅在这个自由的艺术课视频。Learn how to watercolor splatter paint in this free art lesson video.

了解如何在这个自由飞溅艺术课视频用水彩颜料。Learn how to splatter paint with watercolors in this free art lesson video.

要添加深入到飞溅,首先是一个正常的飞溅的一层。To add depth to the splatter, first place one normal splatter on one layer.

当你把你的鱼在平底锅中要小心它不回来飞溅。When you put the fish in the pan be careful it does not splatter back at you.

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要做到这一点,你甚至可以使用一些飞溅笔刷并遵循相同的过程。To do this you can even use some splatter brushes and follow the same process.

一对李维斯牛仔图标以多色飞溅的方式覆盖了裤子的每一寸地方。A multi-colored splatter pattern covers every square inch of a pair of iconic Levi's denim.

了解有关飞溅从专业画家画水彩画在此免费视频。Learn about splatter painting from a professional artist in this free watercolor painting video.

了解如何使用风扇刷油漆溶剂浸泡或创建一个画时飞溅的效果。Learn how to use a fan brush dipped in solvent or paint to create a splatter effect when painting.

喷溅的效果非常简单,却能够广泛用在T恤设计概念之上。Splatter is a pretty simple effect that can be useful for the majority of t-shirt design concepts.

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当受到破坏时,碎片仍粘附在胶层上,避免了碎片飞溅对人体的伤害。When be destroyed, fragment still conglutinate is on sub, avoided a fragment to splatter the harm to human body.

针对CO_2气体保护焊飞溅大的缺陷,设计出一套电磁作用装置。Aimming at the critical problem of large splatter in CO2 arc welding, a new electromagnetic equipment is designed.

有许多项目中,我们炸毁僵尸头或血液飞溅在墙上后,我们拍摄的。There are so many projects where we blow up a Zombie head or have blood splatter against the wall after we shoot one.

管间距及液膜溅射损失对蒸发换热特性影响很小。Tube pitch and losses due to liquid film splatter have a very small influence on evaporative heat exchange characteristics.

示威者把募集来的大量鲜血泼洒在总理府门口,这一惊世骇俗之举令人毛骨悚然。The mass blood donations for supplies to splatter on the office of the prime minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva, was a creepy stunt.

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用空闲的手把碗靠近菜盘,这样缩短距离并降低菜汁外溅的可能性。Bring your rice bowl closer to the serving dish with your free hand to cut down on distance and potential for splatter disaster.

网上有大量可用的ps笔刷和带喷溅的矢量图片包可供T恤设计师使用。There are many resources on the internet for photoshop brushes and vectored image packs with splatter to add to a t-shirt designer’s toolbox.

平日里,你假如注重观察,会发现高档龙头水流如雾状柔缓舒适,还不会四处飞溅。Ferial in, if you notice observation, if mist state soft delay is comfortable, can discover high-grade faucet flow, still won't splatter everywhere.