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他咬了一下嘴唇。He bit his lip.

或者两者都有一点?Or a bit of both?

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的确,是的,有一点。Well, yes, a bit.

那就再来一点!A little bit more!

他已经有几分醉意了。He is a bit tipsy.

到处是一片黑暗。It is a bit nippy.

我的头有点儿发昏。I feel a bit giddy.

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拉鍊夹到我的屁股。The zip bit my hip.

请再张大一些。A bit wider, please.

他这人有点儿迂腐。He's a bit pedantic.

我一点也不疲倦。I'm not a bit tired.

而且,这还有些怪异。Also it’s a bit weird.

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我只是感到有些腻烦。I’m just a bit fed up.

他一点也没见好。He is not a bit better.

他看起来有一点受惊了。He looked a bit scared.

这人有点迂。He's a bit of a pedant.

启病死后继位。Kai died follow-up bit.

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那条鱼有点臭。That fish whiffs a bit.

是否觉得顺当一些了?Did you get on it a bit?

我不会是一个精神上的游手好闲者。He is a bit of a loafer.