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我曾试图令他变得更精明。I tried to let him smarten up.

他们专为卖房而油漆房子。Some new paint will smarten up the house.

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近来这孩子开始变得勤奋了。The boy has begun to smarten up recently.

他尽力打扮得漂漂亮亮,以便去参加毕业典礼。He tried to smarten up for the graduation.

她尽最大努力把丈夫打扮得更英俊。She did her best to smarten her husband up.

他需要有个妻子把他整整齐齐地打扮起来,并使他充满理想和抱负。He needed a wife to smarten him up and give him ambition.

我得把我对上司的谈话谈得再高明些。I have to smarten myself up about talking to my superior.

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买书,阅读后豁然开朗,最重要的是学会了面对现实。Get this book, smarten up and most importantly face the reality.

第三,为什么他不能尽量看起来体面点。Thirdly, why can't he make an effort to just smarten up a little.

灿烂的村民爬上家门前的梯子。Beaming villagers scramble up ladders to smarten up the fronts of their homes.

恤跳过高街上挥舞美国国旗。灿烂的村民爬上家门前的梯子。Beaming villagers scramble up ladders to smarten up the fronts of their homes.

个人外表和行为举止可能会是你职涯成功的关键,所以打理一下外表吧!Personal appearance and your general demeanor could be the key to renewed success in your career, so smarten up a bit!

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西斯克里夫试图装扮得时髦一点来取悦她,但她却表现的很冷漠,于是他朝埃德加丢果酱泄愤。She acts aloof from Heathcliff who briefly tries to smarten himself up to impress her but fails, throwing apple sauce over Edgar.

尽管美元不再有黄金支撑,但是任何美元的持有人能够聪明起来并开始自己购买黄金和白银。Even though the U.S. Dollar isn't backed by gold anymore, anyone with Dollars could smarten up and start buying gold and silver on their own.

帽子和太阳镜散发出一流名品的气息,亚历山大-麦昆头巾、极漂亮的香奈尔手袋、靴子为她的黑色牛仔裤增色不少。The hat and sunglasses give off that 'A-list' whiff, while her Alexander McQueenscarf, zingy Chanel bag and boots smarten up her black jeans.

帽子和太阳镜散发出一流名品的气息,亚历山大-麦昆头巾、极漂亮的香奈尔手袋、靴子为她的黑色牛仔裤增色不少。The hat and sunglasses give off that 'A-list' whiff, while her Alexander McQueen scarf, zingy Chanel bag and boots smarten up her black jeans.

此外,一些上海人抱怨说,当局急于美化外滩,把以前住在这里的一些人赶走了。Moreover, some Shanghaiese complain that, in the haste to smarten up the Bund area, some of the people who used to live there have been edged out.