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信任他人,但别忘了核实。Trust, but verify.

计算、汇报及核实。Measure, report and verify.

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我们必须把他的数字核实一下。We must verify his figures.

如何检查参数值。How to verify parameter values.

验证文件名与另存时所选名称相同。Verify the file name to save-as

我们并未对所摘录的内容进行核实。We do not verify the excerpted.

上方我们能肯定地证实。The above we can positively verify.

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如果你有时间,请检查一下备份。If you have time, verify the backup.

检查子代理是否正在运行Verify that the sub-agent is running

验证是否给出了该单词释义。Verify that the definition is present.

验证文件大小是否正确。Verify that the file sizes are correct.

从这个节点启动检查和同步。Initiate verify and sync from this node.

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请重新输入您的密码,以确认。Please re-enter your password to verify.

你真想改变跟踪目标吗。Verify you want to switch targets? Over.

形成自己的意见、信任,但要进行核实。Form your own opinions. Trust but verify.

让我们检查埃尔德伯里的好处。Let us verify the benefits of elderberry.

请明示哪张更准确。Please verify which one is more accurate.

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然后,同步并验证群集。Then synchronize and verify the clusters.

你并不能核实他们的灵魂是同一个。You cannot verify their soul is the same.

请在匹配连接器之前检查插针深度。Verify pin depth before mating connectors.