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何谓无条件的接受?What is Unconditional Acceptance?

我用无条件的爱来拥抱大家。I embrace you in unconditional love.

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是无条件的父爱!It was for unconditional fatherly love.

提及不可度量的,他们意指无条件的,绝对的。By immeasurable they mean unconditional.

我们需要一个无条件接受自我的地方。We need a space of unconditional acceptance.

能够永久存在的,是那分无形、无染且无求的爱。Only pure, unconditional love will last forever.

给自己一个无条件的积极的自我方面。Give yourself an unconditional positive self-regard.

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他对美国无保留地持友好态度。He was an unconditional friend of the United States.

胜方要求敌人无条件投降。The victorious army demanded unconditional surrender.

希贝尔对其坐骑的爱是无条件的。Yet Mr Hibell’s love for his bikes was unconditional.

唯一无条件的是他们对鲜血的渴望。The only unconditional aspect is their thirst for blood.

小孩子那种无条件的爱,常令我们惊喜。Children always surprise us with their unconditional love.

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如今,她俩生活在我们家中的毫无保留的爱当中。Now they have both in the unconditional love of my family.

孩子们最需要的是无条件的支持和关爱。What children need most is unconditional support and love.

送货上门、货到付款,无条件退换货。Home delivery, cash on delivery, unconditional return policy.

这会让那些认为爱是无条件的人扫兴。This puts a damper on anyone’s belief that love is unconditional.

衷心祝愿天下苍生都能体验到无条件的快乐!May all beings experience the blessing of unconditional happiness!

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当我们能走出恐惧并进入无条件的爱时,便能看到这路径。To see this path we must be out of fear and into unconditional love.

节约的生活中的创造无条件的相信我们之间,“紫杉说。"Saving Bugsy's life creat unconditional trust between us, "Yew says.

如果可以取得必然的无条件的成功,你敢成为什么?What would you dare to be if you were guaranteed unconditional success?