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执行拼写和语法检查程序Run the Spell and Grammar Checker

如果需要,可以使用拼写检查器。Use a spell checker if you need to.

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从那边检票口往前走。Just go through the ticket checker over there.

那是我最后一次当胶片总监。That was the last time I worked as a cel checker.

在出站口,您要把车票交给验票员查看。At the exit, you are required to give it to the ticket- checker.

李民浩穿着格子衬衫、灰色背心、白色长裤、系着斜纹领带,帅气登场。A handsome Min Ho wore a checker shirt, grey vest, white pants and tie.

我已经将它调整好了,并且赋予了棋格贴图来看它是否存在拉伸。Ok i fixed it and set up my checker Map to see if it is without stretching.

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您还可以向自定义词典中添加组合词,用于拼写检查器。You can also add compound words to a custom dictionary for the spelling checker.

在形式验证中,来自等价性检查器的结果是明确的。During formal verification, the decision from a equivalence checker is clear-cut.

这种五合一钢笔能检验银行票据,只要是伪造的票据,它都能马上识别出来。The 5-in-1 gadget pen is a bank note checker too, to quickly identify fake notes.

检查器使其密码,因为它获取信息的这段并将其添加到其知识库。The Checker just trusts you and adds that piece of information to its knowledgebase.

鉴定书无主检、审核、批准签字无效。The certification is invalid without the signature of appraiser, checker and approver.

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花纹板与平板,碳钢与不锈钢,无尽的选择尽在眼前。Checker plate or smooth plate, Mild steel or Stainless Steel, all are presented to be selected.

我已用文字处理机写完报告,且经过缀字检验机查过了。I've finished writing the report on the word processor and running it through a spelling checker.

在交活儿以前,仅为保险起见,须再运行一次拼写。Before delivering the job, run the spelling and grammar checker once more, just for safety's sake.

格砖热物性的影响程度随格砖增大而减小。The effect of the checker thermal characteristics becomes smaller with the increase of "on blast" time.

这是一个简单的模拟或原型著名的图形游戏“平面”的办法检查。It is a simple simulation or a prototype of the famous graph game "Planarity" without the solution checker.

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本文在系统标定中,采用具有棋盘格的单平面模板对CCD摄像机进行参数标定。Single plane template is used to calibrate the CCD camera in the calibration system, which is checker image.

返回一个值,该值指示是否对指定的文本编辑控件启用拼写检查器。Returns a value that indicates whether the spelling checker is enabled on the specified text-editing control.

静态检查器可以在后台运行如果您愿意,并可以明确地显示每个警告的波形曲线。The Static Checker can run in the background if you like, and can explicitly show squiggles for each warning.