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收费站?。Toll station?

我来敲响丧钟。I'll toll the bell.

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谁来敲丧钟?。Who'll toll the bell?

我们得付过桥费吗?Do we have to pay a toll?

我家房子被强拆!My house quilt toll breakdown!

我看到了它给他们带来的代价。I see the toll it has taken on them.

海地死于霍乱的人数上升至917。Cholera death toll in Haiti hits 917.

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中国南方强降雨死亡人数上升至199人。South China floods toll rises to 199.

青海地震死亡人数上升至617。Death toll up to 617 in Qinghai quake.

因为我能拉犛,我将会来敲钟。Because I can pull, I'll toll the bell.

他指着那排收费亭。He pointed down the row of toll booths.

棋牌室发生火灾后死亡人数上升至六人。Death toll rises to six in card room fire.

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在摆渡人的掌中支付了通向死亡的旅费。In Charon's palm it pay the toll to Death.

谁来敲丧钟?是我,牛说。Who'll toll the bell? "I, " said the bull.

那满地的榆钱是此行留下的路费吗?Atriplex spilled toll left of this line it?

江苏南通兴建厂房倒塌,死亡人数上升至6人。Death toll rises to 6 in workshop collapse.

许多的泰国人曾对死亡人数感到极为震惊。Many Thais were appalled by the death toll.

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每到黄昏时分,钟鸣一百零八响。At nightfall the bells would toll 108 times.

她是个收费员,她喜欢她的工作。She was a toll collector. She liked the job.

刚果民主共和国的油轮事故死亡人数上升到269。DR Congo's tanker accident toll rises to 269.