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我们正在精简人员。We are downsizing our work force.

公司在精简人员。Our company is downsizing the work force.

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在那次精简人员的大潮中,她幸运地保住了她的工作。She wasn't sheded in the bout of downsizing.

慢生活可以帮助我们做到。Downsizing and living smaller helps us do that.

有关裁员的道德问题肯定会不断出现。Questions about the ethics of downsizing are sure to continue.

而且公司要精简人员了,我可不想最终被裁掉。Besides, our company is downsizing . I don't want to stay on just to be let go.

管理人士企图用跟缩少规模相同的方法来节约成本。Management attempted to use these efforts in the same way they used downsizing.

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我在1993年就努力让C-17不要从国防裁减计划中被裁掉。I had fought in 1993 to keep the C-17 from being eliminated in the defense downsizing.

“缩减开支”的优势,大众TSI发动机成功的答案是“缩减开支”。The recipe for the success of Volkswagen 's TSI engines is to be found in "downsizing".

这是品质管理方法同缩少规模相结合的特例。This was particularly the case when these quality efforts were combined with downsizing.

例如,一家又一家公司相继进行缩编,也许卖出企业。For example, company after company is engaged in downsizing and maybe selling off businesses.

多年来,企业一直在裁员,或者用他们的话来说,这叫作“适型化”。For years, businesses have been "downsizing" or as they came to prefer to call it "rightsizing."

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这肯定是一个时代的标志保费汽车制造商缩减其产品跑车。It sure is a sign of the times that premium automakers are downsizing offerings on their roadsters.

所谓裁员,就是公司为了降低成本而解雇一些员工并将其工作职责重新分配给其他人。Downsizing is reducing costs by dismissing employees and reassigning their duties to the employees who remain.

人类的大脑是一个渐进的缩编的事实,一下子就抓住了科学作家凯瑟琳麦考利夫的注意力。The downsizing of human brains is an evolutionary fact that took science writer Kathleen McAuliffe by surprise.

在硬件变革阶段中,以及在裁员和精简层级期间,人们也谴责他是没有心肝的领导。During the hardware phase, during downsizing and delayering, he was also condemned for being a heartless leader.

实际上,如果你仔细看看最近大部分公司发生的事情,你会发现裁员通常都是不可预言的。In fact, if you look at what has happened with major corporations recently, downsizing is often not predictable.

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这类计划,当然得在华盛顿削减预算压缩机构的政策背景下仰人鼻息。Such plans, of course, are at the mercy of the budget cutting and government downsizing spreading in Washington.

但随着油价创新高,有些SUV的车主正考虑把大车换成小一点的车。But with oil prices at record highs, some SUV owners are thinking about downsizing to something a little smaller.

政府对于房利美和房贷美强制性降低资产负债表规模的立场松动后,两房也有买入MBS的空间.Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac also have room to buy MBS after the government relaxed rules for mandatory downsizing.