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洗衣皂?Laundry soap?

我有些衣服必须送洗。I have some laundry.

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我有脏衣服要送洗。I have dirty laundry.

你有送洗的衣物吗?Do you have any laundry?

我得把衣服洗了。I have to do my laundry.

填写送洗表格。Fill out the laundry form.

我有些东西要洗。I have some laundry to do.

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什么是“投币式自动洗衣店”?。What is a coin-op laundry?

使用洗衣液。Apply laundry pretreatment.

有衣物送洗服务吗?。Is there a laundry service?

可以,在洗衣袋里。Yes, it is the laundry bag.

我送洗的衣物尚未洗好。My laundry is not ready yet.

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你今天洗熨过衣物吗?。Did you do the laundry today?

有洗衣服务部吗?Is laundry service availbale?

洗衣店把我的衬衫洗烫好了。The laundry did my shirts up.

我是来收衣的。I come to collect the laundry.

我把衣服挂出去晒干。I hung the laundry out to dry.

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处理好账单和送洗衣物。Take care of bills and laundry.

我要到哪里能找到洗衣袋呢?Where can I find a laundry bag?

难道我是个洗衣的大白痴?Am I being a total laundry spaz?