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您要保价吗?Do you want it insured?

他给自己保了人寿险。He was insured against death.

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我们已给这些货物投保水渍险。We have insured the goods WPA.

我给我的房子保了火险。I insured my house against fire.

保户的香港身份证副本。Copy of HKID Card of the Insured.

我想为这件包裹保价。I want to get this parcel insured.

我要给我们的新工程投保。I want to have our new project insured.

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新地会会员必须为投保者本人。SHKP Club member should be the Insured.

请在这里填写保价金额。Please write down the insured value here.

我给我的家保交了火险和盗窃险。I insured my house against fire and theft.

你给家里的财产买保险了吗?Have you insured the contents of your home?

我们投保的是综合险。We have insured the goods against All Risks.

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特纳一家给自家房屋保了火险。The Turners insured their house against fire.

这家公司给他的财产保险1万英镑。The company insured his property for 1O, O00.

秦海璐为自己特有的单眼皮也投了保险。Qin Hailu insured her particular single eyelid.

如果有,其价值是否已包括在保险金额中?If so, is its value included in the sum insured?

我的房子投保了火险和地震险。My house is insured against fire and earthquake.

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我为我的房子保了其价值三分之二的险。My house is insured for two-thirds of its value.

所存货物必须投保一切损失险。The Commodity must be fully insured for all losses.

房主对房屋进行了火灾和偷盗保险。The owner insured the house against fire and theft.