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在投资上别感情用事。Never invest on sentiment.


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说话的语气情深意长。Speak sentiment listener long.

没有时间闹情绪。There is no time for sentiment.

一阵柔情像水浪一样淹没了她。A wave of sentiment swept over her.

所有这些作家都有伤感的倾向。All these writers run to sentiment.

图形菜单操作,全新感受。Graphic Menu Operation, fresh sentiment.

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我没有多少豪情壮志,没有远大的追求。I do not have lofty sentiment and ideal.

他笑着强调这一点。He punctuates this sentiment with a laugh.

做生意不能婆婆妈妈的感情用事。There's no room for sentiment in business.

心甾感情中轮回就卜再高贵。Heart in sentiment samsara no longer noble.

我所欠下的情债都是因为你一个人!I owe the sentiment debt is because of you!

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做生意不能婆婆妈妈地感情用情。There is no room for sentiment in business.

做生意不能婆婆妈妈的感情用事。There's no place for sentiment in Business.

父亲叫我解释一下信里我二哥的情状,我把我的理解说了。My father asked me to explain the sentiment.

然而这种情调却葬送在我心。However, this sentiment is buried in my heart.

情绪低落、感情脆弱。The fall in the blues, the sentiment are frail.

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登高望远能淘冶情操。Ascending a height can cultivate your sentiment.

他可以感觉到这种情绪在心中波动。He could feel the sentiment stirring within him.

情亦愿,觅得有缘成佳偶。The sentiment also may find Predestiny, into one.