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除了身高以外。Besides in height.

除此我什么都不要。I want nothing besides this.

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除鲍外,我们也都来了。We are all here besides Bowe.

而且我相信,那是一种罪恶。Besides I believe it is a sin.

还有,你念错咒语了。Besides you're saying it wrong.

再说始皇帝陵。Besides First Emperor Mausoleum.

他懂法外还会讲英语。He speaks German besides French.

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你姓伯恩斯,那名字呢?What is your name besides Burns?

除我之外,还有很多其它人。There were many others besides me.

除星朞天外我都能来。I can come any time besides Sunday.

此外,她还有许多其他事要做。She has so much else to do besides.

除了大蒜你还在烧什么?。What besides garlic are you cooking?

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除此之外,其他因素是什么?Besides this, what are other factors?

此外还有百叶门,很新颖。Besides a shutter door, very original.

埋葬在自由女神的身旁。Buried besides the Goddess of liberty.

观点一的理由二5.提出观点二。In their opinion, ——. 4. Besides —— 5.

这颜色是上一季的流行色,还有。The color is last season, and besides.

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你们在那里除了钓鱼之外还干什么?What did you do there besides fishing?

除了水以外,还有其他的冷却剂吗?Are there other coolants besides water?

我看见了爱,还看到了爱的结局。Beholding, besides loe, the end of loe.