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一声尖锐的哨声,眼中投射出的愤怒眼神,一场极端严重的全面交通堵塞的威胁就这样避免了。An angry stare. The threat of gridlock faded.

但是北京人对这种规模巨大的交通阻塞早已习以为常。But Beijingers are used to epic-scale gridlock.

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路上遇上一场连环车祸,交通完全瘫痪。There was a pile-up on the road, so it was total gridlock.

我最为担忧的是华盛顿的政治僵局。What worries me most is the political gridlock in Washington.

但将这种僵持作为一种政治策略是对国家的伤害。But gridlock as a political strategy is destructive to the country.

在我们每个人的心中,都有警笛声,车喇叭声和交通拥堵。Inside of each of you, there are sirens, honking horns and gridlock.

但是,政治上的僵局不应该与经济现实混为一谈。But political gridlock should not be conflated with economic reality.

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类似的计划,导致了去年在伊万飓风中大量的交通瘫痪。A similar scheme led to massive gridlock last year during Hurricane Ivan.

当然,对于美国政府而言,僵局和令人难以直面的经济状况已是家常便饭。Washington, of course, is no stranger to gridlock and head-in-the-sand economics.

而税收和债务上的持续僵局将意味了许多年的经济停滞。A continuing gridlock around taxes and debt could mean years of economic stagnation.

然而,分析师预期选后的国会僵局将会使奥巴马的努力受挫.Analysts, however, expect post-election legislative gridlock to frustrate Obama's efforts.

不过,作为第111届国会密切证明,112是很难委托总僵局。But as the close of the 111th Congress proved, the 112th is hardly consigned to total gridlock.

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茶党鼓吹财政改革,但最终的结局或许只是激化了政治僵局而已。The Tea Party plumped fiscal reform, but may have wound up simply solidifying political gridlock.

代表们都受到政治因素的限制,政治领导人应该打开这些枷锁。Delegates are kept back by political gridlock. The political leaders must now unblock the process.

自民党及其盟友新公明党,可以从其他各党集合足够的支持,导致立法系统瘫痪。The LDP and its ally, New Komeito, can muster enough support from other parties to cause gridlock.

这个数字原本应该更多,但是组织者坚持拓宽走道,因为去年会场拥堵而陷入混乱。More would have come, but the organisers insisted on widening the corridors after last year’s gridlock.

将来还会有更多,但是组办单位坚持加宽会场的通道以利通行,因为有上年的交通堵塞为前车之鉴。More would have come, but the organisers insisted on widening the corridors after last year' s gridlock.

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美国面临的挑战极为险峻,持续的政治僵局会使急需的财政结构改革严重滞后。S. faces are formidable, and persistent political gridlock could delay badly needed fiscal and structural reforms.

在菲律宾首都马尼拉,工人在南吕宋的高速大道示威,导致交通阻塞。Workers create a traffic gridlock during a protest march along South Luzon expressway in Manila December 31, 2007.

当前的外交僵局意味着哥本哈根高峰会谈可能顶多产生一个框架协议。The current diplomatic gridlock means that the Copenhagen summit is likely to produce a skeleton agreement at best.