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种族间的嫉恨是一种不良的风气。Racial hatred is a contagion.

种族间的紧张关系爆发成骚乱。Racial tensions exploded into riots.

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真正蹬种族平等似忽仍遥遥无欺。Genuine racial equality still seems away.

这年头,可不兴种族歧视!This year, but outmoded racial discrimination!

种族问题在本质上是阶级问题。The racial problem is in essence a class problem.

他尤为看重纯正的种族血统And he was especially obsessed with racial purity.

这样的定义,开辟了通向种族法西斯主义的狭路。It opens on the narrow path toward racial fascism.

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一个不愿奋起力争、背叛种族的黑人?A racial sellout unwilling to stand up for himself?

他公开表示反对种族歧视。He went on record as opposing racial discrimination.

对种族歧视者的惩罚是禁赛五场。The punishment for racial abuse is a five-match ban.

研究也强调了不断扩大的种族不平等性。The study also highlights ongoing racial disparities.

它也许是种族合作的一大献礼。It is perhaps a fitting tribute to racial co-operation.

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我们的星球正变成一个各种族和文化的集合体。We are becoming a planet of racial and cultural hybrids.

无种族歧视的社会一直是我奋斗的目标。There is no racial discrimination to be felt in this city.

在种族赛马运动中,白人赛手的马获胜。In the racial horse-race, the white racer's race-horse won.

甘地为反对种族岐视而进行了艰苦的斗争。Gandhi tried hard to struggle against racial discrimination.

在种族赛马活动中,白人赛手的马获胜。In the racial horse-race, the white racer' s race-horse won.

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人们高叫反对种族岐视。The people are crying out against the racial discrimination.

在种族赛马运动中,白人赛手的赛马获胜.In the racial horse-race, the white racer's race-horse won.

种族主义辱骂,种族笑话,都是跟亚裔有关的。Racial slurs, racial jokes, all having to do with being Asian.