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塞姆遇见一条鲨鱼。Sam meets a shark.

马来西亚的白尖鳍鲨鱼。White tip shark Malaysia.

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乔是打牌高手。Joe is quite the card shark.

鲨鱼还是吊在那里。The shark still hung the re.

但他们的确把鲨鱼赶走了。But they drove the shark away.

突然鲨鱼放开了他。Suddenly the shark released him.

那条鲨鱼突然下潜去捕食。The shark sounded to catch food.

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而且这一次,没有鲨鱼窟。This time, without a shark cage.

我们帮助那些人,结果却被敲诈!We helped them, but they shark up!

美国缅因州海湾的一只好奇的鲨鱼。A curious shark in the Gulf of Maine.

中国立法委员呼吁禁止鲨鱼翅交易。Lawmaker urges shark fin trading ban.

只是另一条在混水里的鲨鱼。Just another shark in the dirty water.

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这个老千被警察逮到了。The card shark is caught by the police.

他们被一条吃人的鲨鱼所害。They were killed by a man-eating shark.

一个小时以后,他瞧见了第一条鲨鱼。An hour later he sighted the first shark.

但是那条鲨鱼也被海浪冲了起来。But the shark actually got on to the wave.

珍妮特和西蒙看玻璃缸鲨鱼。Janet and Simon are at the Shark Aquarium.

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哦,亲爱的,那个恶棍长着尖牙利齿。Oh the shark bites, has pretty teeth, dear.

矢车菊、尿囊素、角鲨鲩。Cornflower, allantoin, Kok shark grass carp.

灰蓝鲨的尾巴,一条条的,在那里风干the blue-gray shark tails are hung up to dry