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对抗罪恶的措施假如太过分则几兴罪恶本身─样不好。The extremeness of the measures to fight against crime is almost as bad as the crime itself.

钟道隆的“逆向学习法”是另一个更极端的要求“自律”的例子。Zhong Daolong's Converse Method is another example of extremeness in demanding "self-discipline".

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就和那些战俘一样。面临着某种极端的到来,不过不能放弃任何一丝的希望。I should same those captives. I need face with some about extremeness , I don't cancel it and with hope to do anything.

绘画消亡的说法,是现代主义运动的发展到一个极端时自身异化的结果。The view of the painting withers away is the result of own dissimilation when modernism movement development to an extremeness.

通过对易发芽和不易发芽极端群体的分子标记分析,将这两个休眠基因定位到3AL和1B上。Molecular markers analysis in the extremeness population, Using SSR markers, the two loci were located on 3AL and 1B, respectively.

与此同时,在一些观点上的极端化使自然主义科学哲学思潮走向了衰落,最终被历史的发展潮流所淹没。Therefore, the extremeness of some views also made the trend of naturalism philosophy of science to comedown and submerged by others finally.

其语法作用相当于汉语中表示极端程度的甚词表达,主要用来表示程度或者强调等意义。Their grammatical function amounts to the words expressing extremeness and degree in Chinese which mainly show such meanings as extent, emphasis, and so on.

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然而物极必反,在全世界离婚率最高的美国也有走另一个极端的。However, things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme, American with the highest divorce rate of the world also has the ones with extremeness.

极端降水量与降水总量的比值表现为全国普遍增加的趋势,说明我国四季降水量均有向极端化方向发展的趋势。The ratio of EP amount to total precipitation amount is generally increasing in most areas of China, suggesting that the precipitation event has an obvious trend of extremeness.

当然,由于其自身的局限及当时黑暗、残酷的社会环境的影响,无政府主义者往往容易陷入偏激和盲目破坏的狂热之沼泽。Of course, because of the limitations of themselves and the impact of the dark and cruel environment, the anarchist used to bog down in the mud of extremeness and destruction blindly.