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吉库尤语、索马里语和卢奥语也通用。Kikuyu, Somali and Luo are also widely spoken.

韩国船只恐被索马里海盗劫持。S. Korea fears ship hijacked by Somali pirates.

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携有化学品和针筒索马里人在机场被捕。Somali arrested at airport with chemicals, syringe.

遭索马里海盗劫持的美国船长跳海逃亡失败。US hostage fails in escape bid from Somali pirates.

他在推特上发了这张第一顿索马里饭的照片。He tweeted a photograph of his first-ever Somali meal.

25名索马里穆斯林因工间祈祷时未打卡被开除Hertz fires 25 Somali Muslims for not clocking out to pray

在索马里海域,海盗们至少劫持着六艘船只。Pirates are holding at least six vessels in Somali waters.

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索马里海盗一般不会盗取货物或杀害人质。Somali pirates generally do not steal goods or kill hostages.

有报道称,索马里海盗通过伦敦情报网搜集情报。Somali pirates guided by London intelligence team, report says

这是索马里海盗本月劫持的第二艘船。This is the second ship hijacked by Somali pirates this month.

一个小青铜狮子塑像已经在尚加的索马里城发现了。A small bronze Leo statue have been found in Somali of Shangjia.

从拉穆海岸向北至索马里边境60公里范围。Somali border to a depth of 60km and the coast from Lamu northwards.

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他是一位内科医师,讲索马里语,有很多索马里病人。Plotnikoff, an internist, speaks Somali and has many Somali patients.

赖本是1988年来到这个营区的索马利亚人。Ukash Abdi Liban is a Somali refugee who arrived at the camp in 1988.

一名索马里难民在劝解他渴望到外面玩耍的儿子。Somali man tries to comfort his son, who aches to go outside and play.

世界上一些重吨位的船只需要通过索马里海岸。Some of the world's heaviest shipping traffic passes the Somali coast.

另一个在索马里中南部的哈拉迪里镇。Another gang is based in the south-central Somali town of Haraardheere.

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一名索马里难民在劝解他渴望到外面玩耍的儿子。A Somali man tries to comfort his son, who aches to go outside and play.

没有非洲联盟力量,也没有索马里安全力量在场。There were no African forces, neither were Somali security forces there.

阿尔坦是一名索马里难民,他于2014年跟家人一起来到美国。Artan was a Somali refugee who came to the U. S. with his family in 2014.