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多见于瘦弱的婴儿。Sees in the emaciated baby.

久病使他变得消瘦。He was emaciated by long illness.

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面黄肌瘦是肝炎吗?Is sallow and emaciated hepatitis?

长期的疾病把她折磨得瘦骨伶仃。She was emaciated by long illness.

久病使这病人消瘦了。A long illness had emaciated the invalid.

衰弱症的孩子只是瘦而已。Children with marasmus are simply emaciated.

那可怜的小女孩面黄肌瘦。The poor little girl is sallow and emaciated.

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观察家们对其瘦弱的外表颇感震惊。Observers were shocked at Steve's emaciated appearance.

你消瘦羸弱,气色不好,死亡已经临近。You are emaciated and ill-looking , you are near to death!

当她的拉比来看她时,她已经消瘦下去了。By the time her rabbi came to visit her, she was emaciated.

蜷缩在轮椅上的是一个又老又秃的瘦弱女人。Huddled in a wheelchair was an old, balding, emaciated woman.

在路的对面,一个个子高高的,瘦弱的身影朝他跑过来。Up the road, a tall, emaciated figure came running toward him.

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刻托的身体慢慢变得臃肿,可四肢依旧枯瘦。Keto's body slowly becomes bloated. Her limbs however stay emaciated.

闭孔赫尼亚并不常见,主要发生在年纪大且身体瘦弱的女性。Obturator hernia is rare. It often occurs in elderly, emaciated women.

我一个不爱合群,沉默寡言的瘦弱女孩。My does not like getting on well with others, uncommunicative emaciated girl.

大地母亲已经变的面黄肌瘦,请好好保护我们的大地母亲!The earth mother has become sallow and emaciated please protect our mother earth!

她身材修长,有点娇弱,临死前,竟是形销骨立。In stature she was tall, somewhat slender, and in her latter days, even emaciated.

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我沿着带刺的铁丝网内来回走动,试图使我瘦弱的身体保持暖和。Back and forth next to the barbed wire fence trying to keep my emaciated body warm.

适用于体虚瘦弱而引起的失眠健忘等症。Apply to body empty emaciated and the insomnia that cause is forgetful wait for disease.

我沿着铁丝网来回走,想暖和一下我瘦弱的身体。Back and forth I walk next to the barbed wire fence, trying to keep my emaciated body warm.