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他的领带和他的上衣不相配。His necktie does not match his coat.

在这样的地方打着领带你能想像吗?Can you feature wearing a necktie here?

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你的领带和他的领带很不一样。Your necktie is quite different from his.

浙江佰利领带服饰有限公司。Zhejiang Baili Necktie Fashion Co. , Ltd.

他买了个领结来配他的新衣服。He bought a necktie to match his new dress.

这条领带的价格跟那条一样…This necktie is the same price as that one.

你的领带跟你的西装完全不搭。Your necktie doesn't match your suit at all.

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她挑了一个美丽的领带为她的丈夫。She picked out a pretty necktie for her husband.

我还听说,你最近在教他如何系领带。I heard you recently taught him how to tie a necktie.

有趣的是,领带市的大部分人不带领带。Interestingly, most people in Necktie City don't wear neckties.

亨利再也不想让人看到结那条他为圣诞节买的领带。Henry wouldn't be caught dead in the necktie he got for Christmas.

我不可能像现在这样西服革履地跟你这样的老外谈话。I would not be sitting here wearing a necktie and talking to a foreigner.

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我跟牙科医生说我的牙齿有点黄,他叫我戴褐色领带。I told my dentist my teeth are going yellow. He told me to wear a brown necktie.

在乡下地方,**犯如果被抓住很可能被处于私刑。The rapists are likely to get a necktie party when they are caught in the countryside.

还有许多更令人惊奇的六位数年薪的工作,这些工作并不需要打领带或穿白大衣。There are plenty more surprising six-figure jobs that don't require a necktie or lab coat.

服务外包行业的白领阶层的工作岗位正在向印度等主要国家转移。The necktie class is losing jobs to outsourced service-sector employment, most notably to India.

采购产品景泰蓝,徽章,别针,领带夹,钥匙串,磁铁及相关的生产礼品。Cloisonne , Badges, Pins, Necktie Clips, Keychains, Magnet and Related Production Gifts Articles.

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我打算买一面新鼓,一把货真价实的宝剑,一条红领带和一只小斗犬,还要娶个老婆。I'm going to buy a new drum, and a sure'nough sword, and a red necktie and a bull pup, and get married.

他穿着一条棕色的谢德兰短裤,一件深蓝色的织衫,白衬衫系着条纹领带,样子非常漂亮。He was looking very splendid in brown shetland shorts, a navy blue jersey, white shirt, and striped necktie.

男士可以穿轻质亚麻套装或一身浅色西服上衣和长裤,当然也可以选择打领带。Men can wear a lightweight linen suit or dress pants-and-blazer combination in a light color, necktie optional.